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Maia's POV:
At the mall

"Maia why are so many leafs players following you" Joey asks
"Ya your not even a leafs fan" Antonio replies. I'm starting to get worried. The only people that know about William are Max, Veronia, Lilly, Noah and Thomas. I really don't want anyone too find out.
"I actually don't know" I hear my phone beep. I turn around to see Joey on my phone and I'm scared. I'm praying that it's not Willy so I don't have to explain anything to Joey and Antonio.

One new message:

From Nylander The Swedish Boy:
Your really beautiful. I really want to meet you

"Um Maia"
"What" I'm terrified at the moment. If it's Willy I'm in trouble.
"Who's Nylander The Swedish Boy and why is he calling you beautiful"
"So..." I start to explain before Antonio cuts me off.
"Is this the William Nylander of the Toronto Maple Leafs"
"Since when are you talking to William Nylander" They both sound upset that I didn't tell them.
"It's been about two weeks but I just found out he was William Nylander three days ago"
"Do you like him" Joey says sounding concerned
"Kind of"
"What about Dylan"
"We're done he's like my brother now"
"Aww. ARE YOU GOING TO DATE HIM" Antonio screams and I'm pretty sure the entire mall heard us.
"Shut up Antonio"
"Sorry but are you"
"I don't know I really like him though, but if I tell him now then he's just going to think I'm using him for fame"
"Did you ask Ronnie and Lills what to do"
"Ya I did. They said wait and get to know him a bit better. But I don't want to wait"
"YOU SHOULDN'T ITS WILLIAM FUCKING NYLANDER" This time Joey screams and this time I know everyone's starring at us.
God my life is over. I think to myself
"Joseph Lorenzo Foster shut the fuck up before I cut your tongue off"
"I really don't want anyone to find out"
"I think they all saw Marner and Matthews comment on your picture" Antonio says. And I realize I can't hide this forever if there all going to comment and follow me.
"Shit" I say
"What's wrong"
"I don't think Willy wants anyone to know that I know him"
"Well good luck with that. We have to go Sarah wants me to do something for her" Joey says as they both walk away
Shit what am I supposed to do

Wrong Number||William Nylander Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang