Twenty Three

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Maia's POV:
At Maia's apartment

I'm driving to the apartment that I share with Veronica and Lilly even though we all go to different schools we decided it would be cheaper that we share an apartment. Max Thomas and Noah share an apartment as well in the same building. None of us really have family in Toronto. Max is my only family here. The rest are all in Montreal. That's where all of us were born, even Joey Daniel and Antonio. We all decided that we were going to move to Toronto together. I drive up to the building find a parking spot and then go into the elevator. I quickly press floor number 15. I get to our apartment 1507. I'm going to miss this place I think to myself before stepping in. "Bitches I'm home" I yell and they come running to me.
"So how was Willy last night. You had sex right. ARE YOU PREGNANT"
"Lilly breathe. No I'm not pregnant"
"So how was he" Veronica asks
"The best" I reply blushing. I could tell from the look on Lilly's face that she knew something was up.
"What's the matter" Lilly asks
"I'm just going to miss this place"
"What do you mean"
"I mean I'm going to miss this place after I move in with Will"
"HE ASKED YOU TO LIVE WITH HIM" Veronica says and honestly she seems more excited then me.
"Ya he did"
"Let's start packing now"
"Woah Lills chill I haven't even ate anything yet"
"You can eat after we pack all your stuff"
It took us about two hours to pack all my clothes and belongings into my luggages.
"Now can I eat" I say and I made it as obviously possible that I was starving.
"We can pick up something on the drive to Willy's"
"But Ronnie I'm hungry"
"Cry me a river let's go" She demands and pulls me out of the apartment.
We pack all my stuff into my car and start the drive to Will's. It's not a very long drive 15 minutes without the regular Toronto traffic. But Veronica wanted to drive so it took us a lot longer. She's a really slow driver and gets lost even if she knows exactly where she's going.
"Veronica you just passed two tim's and a mcdonald's I want to eat"
"To bad eat after you unpack your stuff at Will's"
"Ugh you guys are the worst"
We pull up to Will's house and I unlock the door pulling in my luggages. I take it all in. This is my new home. Just me and Willy and his teammates that will walk in uninvited everyday.
"Good luck" They say and give me a big hug 
"I'm gonna miss you guys"
"Don't go all soft on us. Your going to see us all the time"
"I know but it's going to be weird to wake up to a bunch of guys instead of you two"
"It's going to be weird not having you rush out of the house every morning because you forgot you had gymnastics"
"Ahh I love you two"
"We love you more" They reply and I close the door to my new home. I didn't know where I was supposed to put all my things so I just kept them in the luggages in the living room. I sit on the couch and text Willy.

When's your stupid practice done

I know he's at practice so I'm surprised when he answers right away

Just changing. I'll be back soon

Hurry I miss you

I miss you more. Did you move your stuff in yet

Ya but I didn't know where I was supposed to put anything so I just kept them in my luggages

Don't be silly put everything in my room or the guest room if you want

I don't want to invade your space so I'll put it in the guest room


But who said I had to sleep in the guest room ;)

I'm excited for that young lady

Willy I'm hungry

You didn't eat

No. I asked Ronnie to let me eat before we packed but she said we could do it after. Then when we finished packing she wouldn't let me eat either and said we'd stop on the way to your house and we passed 50 places that you could eat and she didn't stop for me once and now I'm waiting for you

We can cook when I get home. Right now unpack your stuff the guest room


I'm done now I'm just waiting for Kappy and Mo

Oh yes why wouldn't your teammates be coming to your house uninvited like always

Well it's kind of our thing. And Kappy really wants to meet you

Do I finally get to meet Kasperi Kapanen

Yes you do

What about Syd

No her and Steph are on their stress free day

Then where's Mitch going

Looks like the whole team is coming

So it's just going to be a bunch of leafs players and me

Is there a problem with it

Is the blonde Swedish one with blue eyes and that beautiful smile coming too

I believe so

Then no there's no problem at all


I'm going to start unpacking now so let me know when your almost at the house

No not the house. Our home

God your so cheesy

You love it though

Kinda wish I didn't

Shut up

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