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Maia's POV:
Mall with Joey and Antonio

"So how's Willy" Joey asks
"He asked me out"
"What no way that's amazing are you excited"
"Actually Antonio I turned him down"
"Retard. I can't believe I'm friends with a retard like you"
"Why would you turn him down he likes you he knows you won't use him"
"I'm playing hard to get and Auston said he likes it"
"Yes but keep your voices down"
"So please tell me your at least going to meet Nylander"
"Ya of course tonight"
"Aren't you excited"
"Ya I thought you'd be more excited"
"Guys I'm dying. I'm going to meet William Nylander. And I like him and he likes me so I have to be extra careful not fuck it up"
"Like you did when you first met me" Joey says
"Joey we were eight and my soup was really hot"
"Ha loser"
"Antonio you weren't any better when you first met me"
"Ya you pissed yourself when we first met"
"I was four when I met both of you"
"Shit guys we're 20 we've known each other forever"
"Ya I know. Can't wait to be your bridesmaids at you and Willy's wedding"
"Guys you can't be my bridesmaids"
"Can we be flower girls"
"Why are you guys even thinking about my wedding"
"Because it's going to be the best wedding ever" Joey says as he starts dancing with me and I can't stop laughing.

William's POV:
I was walking around the mall with Mitch and Auston when I spot someone familiar. I immediately stop in my tracks when I realize who it was. It's Maia.
"What's wrong" Auston asks
"Maia's here"
"Where" Mitch says as he starts jumping up and down to see her
"Marns stop she's here with two guys" I say as I point to them. She's dancing with one of the guys while the other is recording it laughing his head off.
"Will they could be anyone"
"She said she didn't have a boyfriend. I'm texting her" I pull out my phone and text her. I sit at a table nearby and watch her with Matts and Mitch.

Maia's POV:

As I'm dancing with Joey in the middle of the mall I hear my phone ring so I stop dancing with him to see who it was.
"Joey it's Willy" I scream. I think I sound a little to excited.
"Answer it" Joey replies. I think we're both too excited.

Nylander The Swedish Boy:
Excited for tonight

Very excited. You have no idea

Nylander The Swedish Boy:
Alright well remember 7 sharp at Tim's

Can't forget. Wait which one

Nylander The Swedish Boy:
Young Street

Be there at 7

Nylander The Swedish Boy:
Yay can't wait to see you cutie

Willy your making me blush

Nylander The Swedish Boy:
I imagine how cute you are right now. Ok I have to go buy I can't wait for tonight

Super excited. Bye Willy Wonka

Nylander The Swedish Boy:
Bye Maia Bear

"Joey he called me cute"
"Aw you really do like him"
"I do. I like him a lot"
"More then you liked Dylan" Antonio asks
"Way more then Stromer" I say as we walk into Starbucks

Willy's POV:
"See how she reacted when I texted her that guy is nothing to her"
"Told you"
"You worry to much"
"Sorry I really like her"
"Joey he called me cute" I hear someone yell. I turn around to see Maia jumping up and down. The guys look at me and I know there also listening to this conversation.
"Wow you really like him" One of the guys say.
"Ya I do. I like him a lot" Maia says I can't help but smile. She's so cute when she's happy.
"Do you like him more then you liked Dylan the other guy asks.
"Way more then Stromer" I hear Maia say before they walk into Starbucks.
"Wait she dated Stromer" Auston asks
"That's where I remember her from" Mitch says
"What do you mean" I say I guess I'm a little mad but she's definitely over him.
"When you said her name something rang a bell but I couldn't put a finger on it and when I say her she looked really familiar but I just couldn't remember but now I do"
"How long were they together"
"Not too long 7ish months"
"Oh ya that's not long at all" I say
"Who else knew" Matthews asks
"I don't remember. I know Connor for sure and Matthew Tkachuk"
"That's why they were commenting on her picture" Auston says
"Shit I totally forgot to tell you Willy, are you mad"
"No did you not see how happy she just was"
"Oh thank goodness thought you were gonna kill us" Auston says

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