Thirty Three

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Nate's POV:

Alex Gally and me are still at the club. Chucky and I aren't really drunk but Gally on the other hand is probably passed out somewhere. Maia left about an hour ago and we haven't heard from her since. After Alex finally finds Gally he's super drunk so we just decide to leave. We get to Gally's apartment and he's completely crashed out. His phone starts to ring in his pocket so I pick it up. I look at the caller ID and it's a number I don't recognize. Probably some bitch from the club I think to myself. At first I don't answer then they call his phone again.
"Hi is this Brendan Gallagher" The lady on the phone asks
"No Brendan is currently not available but can I take a message"
"Can you let him know that Maia Richardson has been in an accident and is at Montreal General Hospital and to get here as soon as possible"
"If you don't mind me asking how is she"
"She seemed to have some alcohol in her system while she was in the car and was in the wrong lane and another car crashed into them. She is currently unconscious but she's still breathing"
"Since Gallagher can't come right now I am on my way. My name is Nathan Beaulieu"
"Yes you can see her since your on her emergency contact list"
"And you might want to call Maia's boyfriend his name is William Nylander"
"We already have he's on his way"
"Ok thank you" I hang up Gally's phone and place it on the table.
"What was that all about"
"Can you stay here and watch Gally"
"Ya sure but why"
"Chucky Maia got in a car accident and she's in the hospital I have to go see her. Stay here"
"We're coming when he's half sober"
"Tell her I say hi"
"Ok ok I really have to go"

William's POV:

I hear my phone ring in the other room so I get up to see who it is. I don't recognize the number. Who could this be I think to myself.
"Hello" I slide my finger alone the bottom of my phone
"Hi is this William Nylander" a woman asks
"Yes who am I speaking to"
"My name is Cathy. I just wanted to tell you that Maia Richardson has been in a car accident and she is now at Montreal General hospital. She is currently unconscious and may need to have surgery. Unfortunately the impact was mostly on her neck and back area so we're not what the results will be yet" As I hear those words my heart breaks. The love of my life could've died today.
"I'm on my way right now" I say and hang up the phone. I check online for plane tickets to Montreal luckily there's one that takes off tomorrow morning. I quickly purchase my ticket. At this point I'm crying. How did she even get in a car crash. Is it because of me. Did she think I was cheating. What if she dies and it's all my fault. My thoughts are interrupted by a ding on my phone

Message from Matts:

Yo Willy wanna come out tonight

I can't


Gotta rest for my flight tomorrow

Wtf dude where are you going

Montreal to see Maia. She's in the hospital and she's going into surgery soon I need to see her

Oh shit sorry bro

No don't worry. Not your fault

Go fucking now what are you waiting for

Ok I'll go now. Tell Babs I won't be at practice

Ok hope he makes you do more laps next practice

I hate you

I got it I'll tell him your super hungover that's you can't move he'll be so pissed at you

Do it and I'll never pass to you again

Shut up

I turn off my phone and buy another plane ticket to Montreal. Auston was right I had to get there as soon as possible. Luckily there was a flight in a few hours. I'm so scared for my baby girl I have no idea what's gonna happen to her. I don't even bother packing anything. After I buy my ticket I jump in my car and speed to the airport. At this point I don't care if I get a ticket my baby could die any minute I had to get there as fast as I could.

Sorry for slow and shit updates. The books almost over. And I decided my next one would be and Auston Matthews book not a McDavid instagram maybe another time.

Wrong Number||William Nylander Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon