Chapter Twenty-two

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September 9,2016 12:26pm

Waking up covered in sweat and mouth tasting like stale ass and a headache the size of Texas wasn't what Jimin was expecting when he rolled over that afternoon his throat was dry and his pants felt so tight he had to unbutton them just to breathe. As Jimin stood on shaking feet he barely caught himself when he fell over hands gripping the wall and the headboard to hold himself up his vision was blurry and every time Jimin exhaled the contents of his stomach would rise. Getting to the restroom was a struggle every step he took made his whole face throb. Jimin groaned when he saw himself in the mirror his hair was everywhere there were marks on his face from the pillow case a smack of drool on his cheek and if he wasn't mistaken it looked like hand prints on his hips, but he doesn't remember being with anyone last night he didn't feel different so that must be a good thing. Turning on the faucet Jimin leaned down and with both hands cupped the cold running water and drank from it. The water seemed to help the cool rush traveled down his throat and seemed to almost cure him of his ailments his skin grew flush and the urge to hurl was receding.

After brushing his teeth and using the restroom Jimin stripped and wrapped a towel around his waist he walked past Namjoon who was also laying in his bed shirtless, but on his back Jimin could see small red lines covering the expanse of his back Jimin smiled to himself proud that Namjoon was getting action Jimin believed his best friend was a virgin to his knowledge at least. Jimin's shower was a long one as the water took its time easing and caressing every inch of his body which seemed to love the attention Jimin washed his hair and exited the shower and made his way back to his room Namjoon was still sleeping. Going through his dressers Jimin found a pair of pants and briefs he slipped them on sitting next to Namjoon he pulled his phone the shelf next to his bed to check his notifications he had six messages from his mom twenty-three missed calls from Namjoon and just two from Yoongi one of them from this morning. Thank you. Was all it said. "Thank you? What is he thanking me for?" Jimin couldn't for the life of him remember anything from last night as he sat and pondered more on the question when he remembered he cleaned Yoongi's room yesterday after coming from the showers.

Namjoon stirred in his sleep a groan escaping his parted lips as he turned to face Jimin with a hiss. "Damn my back hurts" he said aloud as he reached to pull Jimin back into his embrace "You were really something last night." He said in a strained voice his scratches stinging with every movement. "Sorry, you know I get rough when I'm drunk, is your back okay?" Jimin attentively asked. Namjoon sat up with another hiss. "Well after you ever so roughly abused me." He stated with a kiss to Jimin's unclothed shoulder "You manhandled me when I tried to get your pants off, so you could sleep more comfortably and out of nowhere you started to drag your nails up my back."

Jimin sheepishly turned in Namjoon's hold muttering sorry all the while his friend just laughed "Jimin its cool really I should have known so..." Namjoon muttered "What happened yesterday you just disappeared we came looking for you and everything." Jimin thought about what he could remember from yesterday his brain was still foggy, but he could remember leaving, crying, hiding, cleaning, and drinking.

"Well, yesterday I got into an argument with my mom about something." Jimin exhaled as pieces of the conversation made his chest hurt. "I ran and hid in the little trail by the school I stayed there in the brush for a good half hour before people started to spot me and give me weird looks, so I came back here and showered, and cleaned Yoongi's room since it looked like he hadn't been home in a while, then I waited for one of you came back." Namjoon pulled Jimin closer as Jimin recalled yesterday cursing himself for not Just staying in the dorms. "I told Yoongi to meet me at the bar I was at last night, but I guess he never got my letter." "Why didn't you text or call you have a phone." Namjoon interrupted. "Well I knew my mom would be calling me and I didn't want to talk to her... and I knew that if I looked at my phone I would break and call her." It was quiet for a moment before Namjoon squeezed Jimin tighter as a sign to continue. "Damn I must have sat here for a couple of hours before I decided to leave and walk to the bar and after the first drink its all a blur after that if I'm being honest." Jimin leaned further into Namjoon's hold enjoying the relaxing comfort of his friends embrace until he remembered something. "I remember talking to this guy I don't remember his name, but I know it starts with a T I think." Namjoon straightened at the memory of the man from last night his whole aura felt wrong and the way Yoongi would bristle every time the mans eyes would land on his meant Yoongi knew who he was. "Namjoon." Jimin spoke in the silence that floated around them he sat up and shrugged out of Namjoon's hold a look of complete sorrow on his face. "I have something to tell you... well actually I need to show you and Yoongi too, but I want to show you first." Jimin stood and walked to his door and locked it and made his sure his curtains were closed before he turned his way to Namjoon. "I'm going to show you something and I need to you not freak out okay." Jimin pleaded as he thought about what he intended to do.

Jimin stood in the middle of his room in complete silence eyes closed as he took a deep breath and exhaled nothing happened at first so Jimin tried again and this time he felt it the tingle that shot through his spine but this time it was slow and seemed to hum and take its time starting from the tips of his toes and traveled and caressed every muscle from his calf's to his fingers. His mind was clear as he felt the hair on his arms raise and like muscle memory his hands lifted, and the tips of his fingers brushed against a wet surface that seemed to weave around his wrist and slowly crawl up his forearm's it was soothing, warm and felt just like home.

When Jimin opened his eyes, his lips parted in a smile as he looked to his arms covered in water dancing along his skin he was so transfixed that he didn't even notice Namjoon stand and the thick black tendrils seeming to escape from his skin the room growing colder and darker. "Jimin." His voice sounded eerie and far away the low timbre of it gone as another took over the smile on Jimin's face dropped as he looked to Namjoon who's pupils were blown wide and covered the entirety of the whites of his eyes. "Namjoon..." Jimin stepped back in fear and his body seemed to react the water that trailed along his arms and fingertips grew in thickness and dripped to the ground the plumbing quaked and the sink pipes burst in the rush to get to Jimin. "Jimin' the high pitched grainy voice from Namjoon called again and Jimin could see the thick spikes growing from his friends back a tear slipped from Jimin's eye as he saw the feral look on his friends face the water he was no longer controlling wrapped itself around Namjoon's torso holding him back. Namjoon screeched a loud ear-piercing wail when the water trapped him, and it made Jimin fall to the ground with his hands clamped over his own ears a scream traveling up his through his throat on the verge of escaping when his door burst open and amidst flames was Yoongi who seemed to be yelling something that Jimin couldn't hear. "Yoon-gi" was all he managed to breathe out before everything went dark.

Authors Note: okay okay I know I don't know what happened I was all pumped to write this and I got half way through it and all my creativity just vanished I got writers block and then I deleted everything. so I watched every BTS mv and all the yoomin shippers youtube channels then I even read one of my favorite authors books to just distract me from this hell of blankness and I came out with nothing but this chapter here. so if you like it that's great if you don't then I don't either.

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