Chapter Thirteen

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September 5, 2016 1:00pm

"Knock Knock." Yoongi looked at himself in the mirror one last time fixing his dark locks and making sure he didn't look to cliché in his thrasher t-shirt. Yoongi opened the door to a fidgeting Jimin "Hey are you ready?" nodding Yoongi grabbed his keys locking the door behind him.

Jimin was being serious when he told Yoongi he would make it up to him for the other night. Namjoon was reluctant at first seeing as the confrontation with Yoongi seemed to make him even more protective of Jimin, so when Jimin showed up two hours ago asking if Yoongi was busy he had to take his chance.

Jimin and Yoongi walked to the deep red car waiting in the same space its always parked in as the two entered the vehicle Jimin pulled up directions on his phone but wouldn't tell Yoongi where they were going Jimin told the directions of a seemingly long drive when "left or right" wasn't being said the two spoke of nothing. Yoongi pulled into the parking lot of an arcade which wasn't busy they exited the vehicle and Jimin payed for the entrance fee. "Okay so what game do you want to play first?" Yoongi looked incredulously at Jimin this who apology was awkward it was as if Jimin didn't want to be there "Do you not want to be here because we can just leave" the bold statement from Yoongi startled Jimin he almost looked comical mouth opening and closing like a one of those singing wall fish "Well I don't really know anything about you so I thought everyone likes games, but if this awkward silent sitting is what going to happen for the next hour then I guess that what we are going to do."

Yoongi stood abruptly leaving Jimin behind and made his way to the air hockey table grabbing the blue paddle putting the coins in making the machine light up a puck was shot into his goal before he could look up properly. Jimin stood on the other side a bright smile on his face that soon faltered into a pout when Yoongi made a goal also "That's cheating." That made Yoongi smile "You did it first." "Okay let's start over then these points don't count. Deal" "Deal."

The game started again for the fifth time and as the points went up the awkwardness and tension went down bouts of laughter came from Jimin and Yoongi as the game continued with Yoongi shooing kids away until one of the employees were called to them and they were asked to leave the game.

Yoongi bought a pizza and two colas' while Jimin picked the seat a wide smile on his face as he waved to Yoongi who walked towards him and sat down. "So, what are you studying for?" Jimin asked taking a sip from his cola "Uhm music production and you?" "Dance, so we are basically going into the same field no?" Yoongi took a slice a pizza he wanted to say no that they had a different path for them both but Yoongi couldn't kill the moment "yea I guess we are maybe if we graduate you and I could work together." Jimin smile faltered just the slightest that Yoongi almost thought it was a trick of the eye but he could see it in Jimin's eyes the slight loss of happiness "I bet you're a great dancer do you also sing since you know music." Jimin seemed to perk up at the semi change of topic "Oh of course I sing actually Namjoon and I actually recorded a song last year if you want to hear it." Jimin started to pull out his phone but Yoongi reached over the table and grabbed his hand the moment their skin touched it was like electricity ran from Yoongi's palm through Jimin's hand and up his arm both men jerked back the feeling foreign to them.

"let's get out of here." Jimin seemed more than happy to leave it was four o clock anyways Namjoon was expecting him back in an hour. The car was silent the only noise was from the radio when Yoongi parked Jimin didn't leave the car instead he turned to the other "Yoongi I really just wanted to apologize for what happened a few days ago Namjoon isn't usually like that and well I just really hope we can be friends." They stared at each other brown reflecting black the air grew thick but neither wanted to leave the solace of the enclosed space it seemed like hours before any of them moved with Jimin leaning forward and Yoongi mirroring only to jump back startled when a tap was heard on the window and Namjoon could be seen a frown etched onto his features as he looked into the vehicle Jimin scrambled out of the car saying goodbye to Yoongi as Namjoon checked him for any marks pushing his hands away and saying he is fine.

Yoongi wanted to say something anything to Jimin before he walked away but with Namjoon on him it was already too late. 

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