"Oh." I said, feeling a little guilty. "I'm 17."

He smiled. "What a coincidence, I am too."

"Cool." I said awkwardly.

"Do you go to high school or are you in college?"

"I'm still in high school. It's my senior year."

"Mine too. What school do you attend?"

"Jefferson High."

"My cousin goes to that school. You might know him."

"Who?" I asked, curious.

"Austen Presley."

"Yeah, I guess you could say I know him." I sighed. I thought he looked like Austen.

"He's a jerk. Never have liked him. My mom keeps trying to force us into being friends, but if I get near him, I get the urge to bash his face in."

I laughed. "Yeah me too."

"Your total is $209.50."

I paid him and watched as the bag boy put my groceries into the buggy.

"Here is your .50 cents and receipt. Make sure you read the bottom for details about relieving stress. It'll come in handy."

"Thank you. Have a nice day." I told the funny cashier.

I sat in the truck while the bag boy put all of the groceries in the back. I would have helped, but I'm too lazy. It's his job anyways. I looked at the receipt and started laughing.

'If you call me, we can talk about our hatred towards Austen. That will help you relax a little.'

And below that was his name and number.

I most likely won't be calling him. If he was about a month earlier, I probably would have. He seems pretty cool.

On the drive back home, "Sing" by Ed Sheeran came on. This song is amazing.

"I need you darling come on set the tone.

If you feel your fallin won't you let me

know oh oh oh." I belted the chorus out.

When it said louder, I automatically sung louder. Ed is cute in his own way. He has a great personality and I love his hair. His voice is unique.

The song ended and I turned off the radio. Sometimes, silence is needed. I kept thinking about the kids at the children's hospital. I want to help them so much. Maybe I can figure something out.

5 minutes later, I reached my house. I parked my truck and headed inside to get help with the groceries.

"Dad! I'm home!" I yell as I walk in.

"Just got in the shower! I'll be done in about 20 minutes if you can wait!"

"No. It's okay. I've got stuff that needs to be put in the freezer and fridge. I'll just do it myself." I yell back.

"You can ask our neighbors son to help. I've heard he's nice and strong." I laughed.

"Yeah okay."

Ezra's gonna be happy about this. He gets to see me after all.

I walk over to his house and softly knocked on the door.

"Hey darling. Come on in. Ezra's still asleep in his room if you wanna go wake him up." His mom greets me.

I smile and walk off to his room. Should I scare him or be gentle about it? I'll go with the latter part.

I walk in his room and see him peacefully sleeping on his bed. He's cuddled up with his blanket. I slowly slip under the covers beside him and turn my body towards his.

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