Return to Corscant

Start from the beginning

Luke chuckled. "Don't worry. I have a feeling the three of us will be on our way back to Coruscant pretty soon."

Just then the doctor came in with a data-pad.

He smiled at Raina. "Well, there's the heathy patient. I don't even know what your still doing here. You look fine to me." He said, trying to lighten the mood.

Luke chuckled as Raina smiled shyly.

"Now let's have a look at the report."

The doctor read from the report. He glanced up at Raina briefly. Luke felt the doctors emotions go from even to concern. He looked back down at the data-pad again and neutralized his face.
Luke eyed him carefully.

"Well, you seem perfectly normal and healthy Master Starlight. Your free to go." He smiled, but interrupted everyone's rejoicing.
"Before you prepare to leave though, I would like to have a word with Master Skywalker for a moment." He announced, gesturing with his hand to the door.

Luke looked at him in confusion, but followed him out.

"I'll be right back." He told the three.

Once out in the pristine, white, walled hall the doctors turned to face Luke. His face had turned serious.

"I have some. . .news." He hesitated.

Luke looked at him in concern. "What is it?" He asked.

The director inhaled. "Master Starlight's brain scans came in this morning and everything looks perfect."

Luke eyed him in confusion. "So what's the problem?"

"Her memory is the problem. The brain scans conclude that her brain is fine, yet her memory has not returned." He explained.

"But the trauma she had to her brain when the speeder hit her could be the cause of her memory not returning correct?" Luke asked.

The doctor sighed. "The scans we took earlier this week showed that there was trauma to her brain and scull, but not enough to cause this type of amnesia. With the amnesia she would have had, her memory would most likely had come back once her brain had fully recovered."

Luke waited for him to come to the point. "Well, her brain has now fully recovered, and yet there has been no sign of returning memory."

Luke began to grow concerned. "Wha-how? Why hasn't it come back?"

The doctor sighed. "I don't know exactly. It could be that her subconscious is purposefully keeping her memories from returning."

"Luke's mind began swimming through the possibilities and reasons as to why this was happening.

"Wait. You mean she purposefully lost her memory?" He asked.

The doctor shrugged. "In a way. . .yes, but not consciously."

Luke began to feel panicked and confused. "B-But why? Why would she want to loose her memory?!"

"I don't know. Maybe her memory of the past five years is something that has been hard on her. Maybe after having trauma to her brain, her subconscious went into panic and the only way it could deal with the traumatic experience was to push out whatever other traumatic, painful and unwanted memories she had."

Luke was beginning to understand. "So it was like an over load?" He asked.

The doctor nodded. "But then why wouldn't she have forgotten her parents death? Or her masters death?" Non of this made sense. "I'm not sure. There may have been something that happened over the last five years that was even more painful."

My Master Skywalker - Book(2) Where stories live. Discover now