Epilogue - part 2

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Ive put a song on the side, for this chapter i have put christina perri's song human because i really like it and i thought it went really well with this chapter. 

Here is the final chapter of popular 


The silence of the room was hurting my ears , he can't be gone, he just can't be I tell myself knowing that he was in fact dead but he was just so cheery 5 minutes ago. I whispered goodbye and slowly backed out of the room taking one last look before I shut the door, as I turn around I see Rosalie behind me a sad look on her face.

"H-he's gone" I stutter out.

"I'm so sorry for your loss" Rosalie says as she gives me a hug.

As our skin connected it was ice cold but I didn't want to startle her with my sudden reaction to her cold body, I pulled back at the same time she did and she gave a small smile and wiped away a tear on my face, I hadn't even noticed I had been crying .

"They are down stairs getting a coffee, go and meet them and come back up here to sign some paperwork for me in about half an hour" Rosalie says to me.

I nod

I make my way down stairs to meet the others but before I get close enough for them to see me I stop just round the corner and get out my phone and ring charley because I don't want to make a huge scene and be crowded and feel claustrophobic. One ring, two rings, three rings. Come on pick up.


"Don't say a word that it's me, I don't want to make a scene so just excuse yourself from them two and start walking towards the lift and when you feel someone grab you don't scream it will be me, okay?" I ask her.

"I can't here the person on the phone I'm going to try and find a better signal." Charley says to Jack and Chris.

I hear her getting closer to me and when she is in sight I grab her by the arm and pull her along with me so we are halfway down the corridor, and I hang up my phone and she does the same. I look at the floor and take deep slow breaths to calm myself down and to stop any tears escaping my eyes. When I feel calm enough I look up and look her in her eyes and she reads my face for any emotion and when she sees that I am sad she doesn't say anything and just gives me a hug.

"He's in a better place now, free of pain" Charley says to me

I don't say anything because I still hasn't processed the last 5 minutes which have just happened to me, and I'm still trying to get myself back to reality and then I pull back slowly so I can see Charley and I wipe my eyes free from any tears that have escaped from my eye.

"I need to get some air so I can clear my head" I say whilst playing with the cuffs on my jumper.

"Come on then" Charley says and we start to walk to the main entrance doors passing Jack and Chris and I don't look at them because I don't want some pity party feeling sorry for me shit. I just need to clear my head.

~~~~~5 minutes later~~~~~

I'm currently sat outside smoking a cigarette whilst Charley is sat just looking around the hospital entrance where you drop off and pick people up, once I finished my cigarette I stubbed it and blow the smoke out that I had inhaled. I looked at the entrance and saw Jack and Chris coming through the doors and I just didn't want him coming up to me and getting into my personal space when I'm feeling like this.

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