We need to talk

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This chapter is mostly going to be from Jacks POV and a lot of drama is going to happen is the chapter and I really hope you guys like.



Even though it was a couple of months ago I still couldnt get the fact of what Ben had did me to that night when he.....he......he kissed me unexpectedly and I have to admit it was amazing but I didnt want it to be like that though because he was drunk and I wasnt far from being drunk but I just wanted to talk to him first and then build up the courage to do it but obviously it didnt work. I needed to talk to him about because it was really starting to bug me, but I didnt know how to approch him and if I did what if he didnt react the way I wanted him to and it would just make things worse. But if it went the right way then maybe it could work out right. I walked round the house to try and find him and I walked past the room that I never really know what we used it for and for some reason it drew me into it. I walked into it really slowly and just looked round and the walls were just plain white but there was some drawing on wall and it was just a drawing of a person and the detail was just amazing, the shape of the nose, the outline of the lips, the way the hair was curled and styled. It was just breath taking, whoever drew it really has a talent. I walked out of the room going to look for Ben, I had been looking for ages and I couldnt find him so I thought I might as well go back to the room with the drawing in and as I got the door it was open, this was strange because I shut it when I left and there was someone in the room. As I got closer the person was becoming more clearer to me, there he sat drawing this picture on to this wall and it was just amazing. I stood at the door frame and watched him put down the pencil and then grab a balck sharpie and start the out line of the eyelashes and watched as he done all the out line first and then started the colouring in part. The hair started with black roots and then went out to blonde it was really good at what he was doing because I have never seen him do this before and it just made me speechless.

"You have a really good talent here" I said as I walked into the room, he didnt turn around he was still focused on these lips he was trying to colour in "Thanks. I just do it when I am bored, sort of like a hobby really" I smiled at his response because he was bored all of thre time so god knows how much time he has spent on this but I know I didnt need to talk about this picture I need to speak about the kiss, "Can we talk" I said with a blunt tone, he froze in his place and then turned around and said "Sure, what about" I stood there scratching the back of my head "I know it was ages ago but I wanted to talk about the....you know the kiss" the last word of the sentence was hard to say but I did and it felt good to finally grow some balls. "Jack I was drunk and when I drunk I dont know half of what I am doing and it was just a mistake" his words hit me like in my gut just a mistake, it was just a mistake did he say. "A mistake? Is that what it was? A god dam fucking mistake. It didnt seem like a mistake when you fucking kissed me when we was nearlly to your room" Im now angry and I hate it when I get angry at people close to me because it hurts me inside. "Jack calm down, maybe instead of telling people how you feel over the phone and actually told that person face to face. Thats right I heard your conversation with your mum on the phone telling her you had feelings for me. So I thought I would get you for not telling me and thats how I got you" anger was rising in his voice as he stood his ground. But Im not giving up, "So you thought that because I told my mum my feelings that you would do that to me, do you know how low you can be at times, YOU ARE SO SELFISH AT TIMES. ITS ALL ABOUT YOU AND YOU AND YOU, WHEN YOU CANT GET YOUR OWN WAY YOU WILL DO ANYTHING TO HAVE IT OR HAVE THE ATTENTION ON YOU" now I am pissed because he thought he could do that to me. "IM SELFISH. YOUR THE ONE WHO WAS ALWAYS KEEPING STUFF TO YOURSELF AND THEN PEOPLE FOUND OUT, WHO DID YOU COME RUNNIGN TO. OH YEAH THAT WAS ME, WAS I SELFISH THEN. NO" he was fighting back and this time those words really did hit home and I had had enough of this, I took in a shaky breath and looked him straight in the eye. He could see what he had done "Jack im sorr-" he tried to apologise but I rose my hand to stop him. "Don't" and with that I walked out of the room and I heard him call after me but I didnt stop to turn around to face him. Im done.


I stood where I was and just looked at where Jak ahd walked out, Im such a fucking idiot for what I had said, bringing up his past was a true weakness of Jack and I had never used it against him before and I couldnt believe I did. He was right I am sefish, Im a selfish asshole. I felt something wet trickle down my face but I didnt wipe it away I jsut let them fall and then more were coming out of eyes untill I was fall on crying. I had sunk to the floor and just sat there and cried and then I finally stopped and went to go to the bathroom. I stood there and looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes were read and puffy and I just looked like a mess really so I decided to get ready for bed and I went and got into my bed but left my bedroom door open. My room was opposite Jacks and Charley came into mine and sat down on my bed and said "Everything will get better soon" I smiled and nodded and then looked past and saw Jack standing there, my smiled had vanished and I was now a watery eyed mess sat in a bed. He looked at me once more beforing turning and heading into his room and he shut the door and I just let out a sigh "Wel Im off to bed now. Stay strong" Charley looked at me and patted my leg and walked out and left the door open. As I settled down into bed I closed my eyes and just let everything leave my brain so I could sleep peacefully. I ws half asleep when I heard someones door open then close and then the next thing was my quilt was getting pulled as though some one was getting in and then they fell back down again, I turned over and my face was in this tshirt and as I breathed in I recognised the scent and I scooted closer and grabbed the tshirt into my fist and held it tightly, this voice was faint but I still heard it "I forgive you" I nodded my head and spoke "I'm really sorry" I was still half asleep but it still manage to come out of my mouth. As I lay there, they pulled me closer and I was asleep in minutes.


As I lay in his bed l had a million of thoughts running through my head, I knew I couldn't stay mad at Ben. Those word I said must of really hurt him and I'm such a fool for what I had done to him. I had hurt him. But the thing is he shouldn't of done what he had done though, I would of eventually told him but I just didn't know when to tell him. I was dragged out of my thought and brought back into the real world when Ben was starting to move in his sleep and grabbing hold of my T-shirt tighter, so I put my arms around him and pulled him closer and his grip loosened up but he still kept hold of it. I could tell he was h having a bad dream because he kept fidgeting and then he finally stopped and I was now tiered so I closed my eyes and I was asleep within my eyes closing. I woke up to an empty bed as it was like 1 in the afternoon and I sat up and rubbed my hands over my face and then made my way into my room to get changed and I noticed that one of my tops was missing and it was my Rihanna one and I know it was there last night because I remember I threw it there out of my suit case but I went down stairs and saw Ben with a blanket round him and his face was pale and cheeks were bright red, he looked ill and I walked closer and sat next to him "You not feeling to good" he coughed and then rested his head on the work top and sighed with relief at the coldness of the work top. I got Ben anything he wanted, a drink, a tissue, anything and then I carried him up to bed and asked "Do you want anything" and then he just started shouting "STOP TREATING ME LIKE IM FUCKING DYING FOR FUCK SAKE. I CAN DO STUFF FOR MYSELF. I DONT NEED YOU KEEP DOING IT FOR ME" I was shocked at first and I got up from the bed and walked to the door and left. I walked past Charley and she called my name but I ignored her, then I heard her say "Ben what did you do this time". I had to get out of here, so I grabbed the keys to a car that he owned and went out the front door. Slammed it shut, got in the car and drove away.

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