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Now probably where shocked at the end of the last chapter at how Jack had died and had left Ben and Charley and Chris all stood there but but but but but but but but but but I would never do that because there is to much to miss in the up coming chapters that he could NOT die. I hope you like this chapter and the rest to come, I have finally decided to go a follow one kind of how the twilight series went on but only have 2 or 3 books and not like 7 but if you have any ideas for a name of the follow on please comments on the bottom of this chapter with your seggestions.

Enjoy reading biatches 

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Time of death 23 hundred hours on the 25th August 2013" the doctor called out and wrote down on his clipboard, no he can't leave me he just can't. I scrambled to my feet and ran for his bed but I was only halfway before I was being dragged back to where I was, "FUCKING LET ME GO!!! I NEED TO GO TO HIS BED! LET.ME.GO" I was screaming as Chris held me back to stop me from going to Jack's bedside. "Shhhhhhhhhhh" was all I could hear from next to me and I turned my head to see Charley making the 'sh' sound and so I shut up for a minute and heard the beep of the heart monitor go as if his heart was still going, this couldn't be true my ears were playing tricks on me, its to hard to believe that its true. Then I looked at the doctor and he had the same expression I had when we heard the heart monitor beeping to his heart beat. Impossible.


I could feel my body again and I tried to move but I couldnt because it hurt too much to move and why did my mouth feel like sandpaper, one of my eyes managed to open and then the other one opened and they adjusted to the light around the room and it wasnt my bedroom so what was it. 





What was that annoying noise and then when I looked round I saw that I was all wired up and this machine that was monitoring my heart beat and then when I moved my head back and looked at my arms and saw all of these scars that went up my arm and I remember the ngiht that I did them and remembered the pain that I caused and the pleasure it gave me as I inflected the sharp balde onto myself, but then there was these light snores that came from my hospital room I was in and I turned to see three bodies laying on the floor and I recognised Charley because of her blonde hair and I think Chris was sprawled out up in the corner and then there was this one person in a hoodie laying next to Charley with their head on her baby bump but I couldnt see their face because it was covered up by a hoodie that was obviously to big for them but it looked like my Jack Wills one. I knew it was because it was my blue one with red writing on it but this face was still hidden.

The door opened and the nurse walked in and when she saw me she stopped and walked over to me and said "Is there anything that you want now that you want" I looked into her eyes and they where a bright gold colour, like bright gold and not normal for a human. I nodded and said "Something to drink please" my voice was bearly a whisper but she understood and went and got me the drink and then Charley woke up and when we caught gazes her eyes where now hard as stone and her brown had gone from a emerald to real deep green and nearly black and I knew there would be trouble. So I just hoped for the best and then the nurse come back in before Charley could run up at me and chop of my balls probably for what I have done and she handed me the drink and I said 'thank you' quietly and then drank the water and she walked over to Charley and asked if she wanted anything but Charley said "No thank you Rosalie Im fine for the moment" and then she turned back to me and her eyes where the same colour as before. I gulped.

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