Good morning officer

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I was awoken by the sound of glass being broken, great jsut what everyone needs on a Saturday morning at stupid o'clock in the morning and then there was a scream from what I thought was Charley and then they shouted "GET OFF ME WILL" I got up and Jack and Chris were still asleep, I made my way to the noise and grabbing the metal baseball bat that I had hidden in my house but only I knew where it was. As I got closer I heard footsteps and waited until they had passed me and it was Charley so I grbbaed her arm and pulled her next to me and told her to keep quite and then I heard footsteps coming from the same place and then I waited and then 



The bat had connected to Will's head and sent him to the floor with a low thud, "Charley what has happened between you two?" I questioned her as I walked and throw the baseball bat over the fence so that I wouldnt get caught with anything or charged for assult or something. "Well when I wanted to come back, he started to get really nasty with me and threatened to come and find me if I left. Whilst he was out at work I left with all of my stuff and got in the next taxi and come back..." she trailed off making the last bit sound like a whisper. We walked in the back door and saw Jack and Chris standing in the kitchen talking about football, me and Charley both rolled our eyes at those two and made our ways over to them and then we heard some movement in the hallway and then we saw Will rubbing his head and then he saw Charley and I tensed up and stepped in front of her and waited for his next move.

He looked at me and then at Charley and then started to move closer and my fists where ready to swing at his face because if he made the wrong move I will hit him. As he walked past Jack, Jack stuck his foot out and Will fell and hit his head on the floor and just layed there and did not move an inch. Then there was a knock at the door, great this better be good, as I opened the door there stood two police offers, "Hello, can we come in please" I nodded and didnt say a word and let them in. They followed me to the kitchen and I walked and stood next to Charley and the police man and woman stood in the door way and looked at Will on the floor and then said "Is that Mr Will Jacobs". This was really starting to freak me out right now because how do they know his name, and what scared me more is that what has he done.

I looked at the two police people and then at Will and said "Y-Y-Yeah why" they looked at there note pads and then back at me and said "He was wanted for many crimes, some icluding physical abuse to woman, break ins, drug use and exsessive acohol consumation and other crimes." I looked at Charley with a worried glance and then back at the police people, "Take him out of my house please" and with that the poilce man handcuffed Will and then took him out to the police van. The police lady at Charley and then asked "Where did you get that bruise on your stomach from" Charley looked down at the bruise and then covered it really quickly and said "I-I-I walked into a door and thats how the bruise come up" Charley is such a terrible liar because we all know that you stub your toe on a door and with the door handle you should of hit your arm or hand not stomch.

I said goodbye well goodmorning to them as it was now 4:00am and I walked back and stood opposite Charely and she just shook her head and said "I dont want to talk about it" I placed both my hands on the worktop and let my snger build up and then I let it rip "You dont want to talk about it?!?!?!? Are you fucking serious here. He hit you and you dont want to talk about. You've got a baby in there for fuck sake and you think its ok for him to hit you in the stomach and potentially kill or damage the child inside of you." I stopped my rant and waited for a respone but nothing, she wasnt speaking to me at all she jsut stood there in silience and didnt say anything at all.


Everything Ben had said was true, I didnt want to talk about it. I didnt want to tell him that Will had hit but I knew he would find out anyway, as I let his words sink in they where all screaming that he was right. I coudnt do anything but nodded and then I felt a tear run down my cheek and I let it run right the way down and drop off my face and then Ben pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back and then pulled back and said "I'm going back to the cinema room to go and get some sleep" I looked at Ben and he nodded and then at Jack and he smiled and then I gave Chris a look as much to come-with-me and then Chris said "I might do the same as I am really tierd as well" Ben looked at him with a confused look but he just smiled and that is when me and Chris left to go back to the cinema room. To be honest I was actualy tierd and when I pulled the covers over me I was asleep instantly.


This chapter is shit. I know but I just wanted to get it out of the way because I was getting bored of writing this part and I just thought I would finish it. Next chapter coming soon and I will probably being starting a new stroy soon. The title will be posted up soon with the first chapter alread written.

Later hoes!!!!!

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