Angelina placed her hand on the table and looked at Sweet Pea with desire in her eyes. "Sweets, any plans for this weekend?" She asked while batting her lashes. "Depends on what you have in mind." He answered. 

For the rest of the lunchbreak Sweet Pea kept his gaze on her which didn't go unnoticed by Star. Toni gniffled as she noticed what her friend was doing. Toni knew Angelina wasn't interested in Sweet Pea but she did know how much Angelina disliked Star. Star looked pissed which made Angelina liking the game even more. 

Of course Sweet Pea was oblivious to what was going on. 

After lunch ended Angelina and Toni were walking down the hallways when suddenly they heard someone screaming behind them. They turned around and saw a furious Star walking towards them. "This is going to be good." Toni muttered under her breath. 

Star stopped right in front of Angelina, their chests only inches apart. "Stay away from Sweet Pea. He's mine." Star snarled. "Oh really? Last time I checked you didn't have his name tattooed on your forehead." Angelina crossed her arms and looked threateningly at Star. "I suggest you keep moving." She said. "He's mine." Star repeated. "Doesn't seem like it. But don't worry Princess, I'm not interested in him." "You better. He won't ever go after a slut like you." 

Angelina pushed Star away from her. "What did you just say to me?" Meanwhile, an audience had formed around them. Toni didn't intervene but Angelina knew that Toni would defend her if necessary. "You're a slut." Star hissed. For a moment they looked at each other, waiting for the next move. Star came forward and held out her arm. Angelina reacted quickly and stepped aside. She grabbed Star by her jacket and threw her against a locker. Star slammed against it with a hard blow. She let out a cry of pain but quickly returned to her feet. The audience cheered for both of them while Angelina felt a rage of anger bubbling inside of her.

 "I'm not interested in Sweet Pea." Angelina hissed. "So stop fighting me 'cause you'll lose." Star looked like a bull; if it was possible, steam would come out of her ears and nose. Again, they stood still, anticipating each other's next move. Star came forward again and threw herself on Angelina. They fell on the ground and Star scratched her nails into Angelina's face. Angelina quickly got a hold of Star's wrists and pushed her away. "Seriously? You want a bitch fight?" Angelina yelled as she quickly got up her feet. She grabbed Star and slammed her against the locker again. 

Toni finally stood between them. "Enough." She simply said. Star's chest visibly went up and down as she tried to control her breathing. The girls stared at each other. Eventually Star turned away and pushed a few people aside. Some were clearly disappointed because the fight had ended so quickly. Angelina straightened her jacket and people made way for her as she started walking down the hallway. Toni followed her.

Angelina stormed inside a bathroom, frustrated about what had just happened. She examined her face in the mirror. She had a single droplet of blood dripping off her face. "What a fucking bitch." Angelina said as she got a tissue out of her bag and cleaned her face with it. "You've won your first bitch fight at school. Now everyone will know not to piss you off." Toni said as she leaned her shoulder against the dirty wall. Angelina sniffed. "She's just so pathetic. Clinging onto Sweet Pea like a puppy. Get yourself together." 

Angelina threw the tissue in the overfilled trash can and examined the disgusting bathroom. The walls were covered with graffiti and the floors were filled with cigarettes butts and other nasty stuff. Angelina thought about her previous school and for the first time in a while she missed her friends and her old teachers. 

"What's going on with you lately?" Toni asked. Angelina sighed and decided to come clean. "Star is just getting on my nerves. Always making me feel like an outsider." Toni placed her hands on Angelina's shoulders. "You're our friend. She's the one who doesn't really belong. If she wasn't a Serpent, we would have abandoned her a long time ago." "Because of the laws." Angelina bitterly stated. Toni nodded. 

A few hours later Angelina drove to the Sweetwater River. The adrenalin she had felt while fighting Star had quickly faded. She hadn't seen Star or Sweet Pea for the rest of the day. She probably had ran straight to Sweet Pea to tell him all kinds of lies. Angelina would deal with him later.

Angelina felt nervous because she and Malachai had never been in the open together. Everything they did was done behind locked doors. She parked her car and quitely walked to the water line. She saw Malachai appear before her and she smiled. They greeted each other with a passionate kiss. He took her hand and led her to a less open area. 

He pushed her slightly against a tree. "It's strange to talk to you so freely." Angelina nodded. "This is dangerous, but I don't care." She leaned forward and they began to kiss. After a few moments Malachai leaned backwards. "I heard what happened between you and that girl." "Star. Yeah, she thought I was going after Sweet Pea." Malachai looked at her with a sour look. "Are you?" Angelina shook her head. "I'm not interested in him." Malachai bowed his head forward and kissed her.

"Good." He whispered.


Sweet Pea // Poisonous veinsWhere stories live. Discover now