Chapter Nine: Believe

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It was Saturday, so Sadie spent most of her time playing with her toys in her bedroom or jumping on the trampoline in the backyard.

Meanwhile, her parents had much to discuss. Or argue about as the case would often be.

They often fought about financial issues, household responsibilities, irritating habits, mistakes and Sadie.

Well, this was one of those times that they argued about Sadie.

"You never discipline her, that's the problem!" Shouted Patricia.

"All you ever do is either discipline her or ignore her. If anything is the problem. It's you." Replied Steven.

"Oh, just admit it. You only think I'm the problem because of what happened that day. You won't ever forgive me for it!"

"Why should I? In a few years I'll have a walking, talking reminder of what you did."

"I already lost my job becau-"

"Yeah, just be thankful that that's all you lost." Steven spat.

They both scowled at each other in silence for a few seconds.

"What are we going to do about, Sadie?" Asked Patricia.

"Have your mother talk to her." Steven replied.

"What? It's her fault that Sadie has made up this fantasy world in the first place."

"Sadie talks more when she's with Rosemary. She might tell your mother what actually happened. I think it's our best bet."


"I'll give her a call now." With that, Steven stepped into another room and retrieved his mobile from the back pocket of his blue jeans.





"Hello?" Answered Rosemary after putting her telephone to her ear.

"Hello, Rosemary. It's Steven." He replied. "I need your help with something."

"What is it, dear?"

"That blanket you gave Sadie, she is saying that it's magic and that it took her to some.. other world."

"And do you believe her?"

"Well, no. That's impossible."

"You should always believe your child, Steven. What may seem impossible to you, may not be so for Sadie."

"She was covered in dirt this morning, Rosemary. Dirt. On her pyjamas, in her bed. It was everywhere." Steven paused, before continuing, "If she's sleep walking or whatever, we need to know so we can help her."

"You can help her by believing what she tells you."

"Please, Rosemary. I know she'll talk to you. Can you at least try?"

"I'm sorry, dear. But I have a feeling that she will tell me the exact same thing that she has already told you. And I already believe it to be true."

Steven sighed and rubbed his temple with his free hand. "Okay. Thank you. That's all."

"Take care now, dear. And give Sadie a kiss for me."

"Yep, will do. Bye."



Pressing the hang-up button on the screen of his mobile, Steven looked to Patricia who was standing across the room from him with her arms-crossed. "Well, that didn't help." He said.

"What are we supposed to do now then?" Asked Patricia.

"Just.. I don't know. Let's just wait til tomorrow to ask Sadie about it again, see if she goes off sleep-walking again or whatever." Steven replied.

Patricia rolled her hazel eyes.

"Or, we could just believe what Sadie says. I mean, it could be worse." He added.

Patricia scoffed. "You can't be serious. If it happens again and she doesn't tell us the truth. I'm going to take that damn blanket away until she does tell me."

"Tell you what?" Asked Sadie, accidentally sneaking up on her parents.

"Uh-" Patricia was caught off guard.

Steven did wait for Patricia to finish whatever she was about to say. "Nothing baby. Did you come inside cause you're hungry?" He asked Sadie, politely.

Sadie nodded.

"Why don't you go wash your hands and I'll make you a sandwich for lunch." He said.

"Okay." She replied as she walked off to the bathroom.

Patricia looked to Steven, her brows met in the middle and a muscle in her jaw flickered.

"What now, woman?" Steven spouted.

"You are unbelievable. You can't baby her forever." Patricia retorted.

"I'm not babying her. I'm just not being a monster like you. Now, I'm gonna make some sandwiches. You want one?" He said, before walking away.

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