Turning Heads ~ a janoskians fan fiction ~ chapter 12

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i have decided that im going to see how long this story goes for! im not going to have a set number of chapters im just going to keep going and see what happens!! im now hoping for a minimum of 20 chapters!! i may start writing another janoskians fan fic today!! :) <3 u decide wheather you want another one!!! xx thnx luv ya <3 xx



We began eating pizza: Margerita because its Angels absolute favourite! It was really quiet which i really didn't like. I didn't want to talk about the beach. Its just something im going to have to learn to get over.

"Daniel..." She started while placing the pizza on the coffee table and crossing her legs on the couch. Oh fuck i thought to myself! "...... we really need to address the elephant in the room!"

"NO!" I yelled as she finished her sentence. I couldn't talk about it, at least not with her. What was i going to say? This is all your fault! break up with Luke, the only guy that makes you happy and come to me! hug me, kiss me, love me, D&M with me, trust me, share speciel moments with me! Thats too selfish!

"Daniel, Please?" She said with tears welling up in her eyes. I hate to see her cry, and too know that im the one who caused it makes it alot worse.

"Okay! on one condition....." i said looking down at my lap and as i looked up continued ".... Stop calling me Daniel for fuck sake!" She smiled and giggled as she wiped the tears away from her face. It felt so ggod to see her happy, even if it was for a pure two seconds. She smiled as i explained.

"I needed to go to the bathroom, so i went into the shopping centres bathroom because the ones at the beach are fucking feral! When i came back i saw y........" I paused for a moment because i could feel the tears developing in my eyes. "....I saw you and Luke, being....... all.... cute and shit! When i saw that my heart broke!" I finished.

Her face faded from smile to expressionless. I looked deep into her eyes and i saw nothing, I didn't see my happy, bubbly hypo best friend. All i saw was a girl that i had hurt numerous times. I used to look into her eyes and see trust and love and hope and now all i see is nothing. A part of her had died, no wait let me re phrase that! A part of her i had killed, and all because of my stupid emotions.

"Dan... I mean Skip, Do you still have feelings for me?" she said with tears building up in her eyes. I couldn't take that sadness anymore! I did what ever guy has to do for the women he loves, i lied.

"No, not at all! Your my bestfriend, and im just really REALLY protective of you! I don't want to see you get hurt, whether it be Luke or a stranger!" I said looking up to her face and the most amazing thing happened!

She smiled. She jumped up on my and i fell backwards and she was laying on top of me hugging me. It felt great to finally hug her after who knows how many hours!

as we were hugging the whispered into my ear "I love you, but you need to let me live my life! If i do get hurt by Luke you can say i told you so! i promise!" She then kissed me softly on my cheek! How amazing. My cheek tingled where her lips were only 3 seconds ago. yes i timed that, BIG DEAL!

We finished our pizza while watching big bang theory. We laughed at everything, It was great to be happy again. I finally accepted the fact that Luke and Angel were obviously ment for each other and the feelings i had for her was nothing more than a silly teenage crush, I really big crush but still a crush!

After we finished dinner we were feeling pretty tired. We both stood up and Angel grabbed my hand and pulled me into my room. She laid down next to me and she snuggled into my chest. i wrapped my arms around her and i felt like i never wanted this moment to end. I felt so comfortable laying here with her and before i knew i was fast asleep!

The next morning i woke up really happy. It was about 9 o'clock. I looked down to where Angel was laying last night and she wasn't there. Didn't really surprise me because i could hear the sound of bacon frying.

I walked into the kitchen very quietly so angel wouldnt hear. As she went to turn around I was standing there ready to surprise her and i yelled "RAWR!" and she fell to the ground screaming. I started laughing my ass off, but i helped her up.

"So is all this for me?" i asked motioning my stitched hand around the food. "Yeh totally..." Angel said in a sarcastic tone "....And after we're going for a ride on my purple unicorn named Jackie!" She said hitting my arm after woulds. I guess that was a no. We sat down and ate and had a lazy day at my house.


sorry boring chapter i know! i had to write it all out again cause it all got deleted!! :/ but its up now and i might start a new janoskians fan fic!! :) <3 xx thx love ya!

Turning Heads ~ a janoskians fan fiction ~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ