I exit the bathroom and walk into a bedroom. It was small, but luckily no trace of asbestos. Maybe it's in the basement. I set my clothes on the vintage wooden dresser and put my feet in the shoes. They were a little loose on my feet so I made sure to make the laces tight. Better loose than tight. I walk back in the hall and back to the main room, where Harry was sitting back in his chair.

"They fit. The shoes are a bit loose but they'll do," I told Harry and sat on the couch.

Harry looked up from some book and smiled at me. "No doubt, you're pretty."

"Thanks," I felt blush creeping at my cheeks but it went away quickly as it came.

"Harry, where do you work?" I ask him.

"I'm a construction worker," He beamed.

"Did you build the Empire State?" I ask.

"No," He shook his head.

One thing I've noticed about this is that the Twin Towers aren't here. Well, they weren't in 2014 either. So obviously this is before those towers were made. I'm barely panicking anymore, I'm fascinated by this place now.

"Is it hard to get money?" I ask him.

"Yes. Because lack of money and we're loosing jobs. Hopefully I'll keep mine. Why did you come to this year anyway?" Harry set his book down.

"I was trying to get to 2002," I tell him.


"No reason," I say quickly.

Harry jumped up. "I've got to get to work. I'll be back by eleven."

I frowned. "What am I supposed to do all day?"

"I don't know. You can stay here. There's a TV," Harry pointed to a small sized with a very small screen. "It's too much for me, it confuses me."

I nod slowly and fold my arms. "Well, okay."

"All right. If anyone knocks, tell them you're the house keeper. Wait no. Just run in the basement," Harry chuckles and his dimples cave in.

"Okay, see you later," I tell Harry and he grabs his construction hat before leaving out and closing the door behind him.

I turn around and look around the small house. It's certainly untidy around here for a person who lives by himself. I wonder why he's so nice to let me stay with him for a couple of days. I think I should start on the dishes. I find my way into the kitchen and spot overly burnt eggs on the counter top. Damn. I scrape them in a nearby bin and clear up all the dishes, washing them one by one since there is no dishwasher.

I grab a broom from the corner and sweep up all the dirt on the ground in the whole house by humming to a song. I don't know how to work that radio or TV, so I just won't use it. The refrigerator looks like a small box, a little taller than the TV though. I open it and see everything but breakfast. He probably burnt all the breakfast food.

Going to a market will give me something to do. That's on my list after I complete finding the market. I hope it isn't too far. At least I won't be cooped up here alone. Besides, I'm hungry and I could buy some fruit there as well. I take my purse and leave out of the house, taking a spare key that Harry left with me. I walk up the street and luckily at a corner I see a supermarket and I walk in. The temperature is cool. Men unpack meats and the women are cashiers.

I take a grocery cart and walk up the aisles, looking for things that could go in the house. How much money do I exactly have? I check my wallet and come up with $1,200. Average. This'll last me forever here. I find fruits like apples, applesauce, bananas, and strawberries.

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