Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
   The smell of weed hit my nose as I walked in the house. Everyday after school when I come to this house it's like entering hell itself. I grabbed my key very hesitant about opening the door my hand is so shaky the key couldn't even go in the lock. I walked in and went straight into my room. I heard my moms foot steps coming towards my room. Every foot step causing my heart to beat faster and faster making my stomach crawl with each and every step coming closer to my room. "Wynter" She slurred my name. "Yes ma'am" I responded rolling my eyes not letting her see. "What chu got an attitude FOR!?" She yelled coming closer to me making me jump. "I don't have an attitude" I said calmly. "Better not anyways me and your dad are going out tonite house is all yours better not do no dumb shit !". Ending that conversation she walked out of my room. I waited 15 minutes and heard the garage opening means they left. My name is Wynter Jones and I'm 17 years old. I'm just an ordinary black girl living in the same world as you just in my head painted a different picture. I suffer with bipolar depression got diagnosed in 9th grade when my brother had passed. I am the youngest outta of 5 kids. 2 brothers and 2 sisters. My oldest brother Eli died as you know . He was the closest person to me yet and always kept me smiling . My oldest sister has 2 kids and they are beautiful. My other older brother I don't consider him a brother he molested me when I was younger. My other older sister is in college right now she is close to. So I am at this house alone. I'm short 4'10 got a lot of curly wild hair and I play basketball. I'm not really close to anybody I keep to myself and keep it moving don't have time to get distracted.

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