Ch. 9: Slipping Through

Start from the beginning

"(Y/n)!" Anti called out.

She turned to see the green-eyed demon rushing his way towards her.

"Stop right there!"

(Y/n) ran away from him.

He rolled his eyes and blurred away, reappearing right in front of her.

"How did you—"

"I'm a demon, lass." He made his way towards her once more. "Are we going to to do this the easy way or the hard way?"

She turned and ran away again.

"The hard way it is then." He cracked his knuckles and followed her.


Die turned a corner running into Dark.

"Anything?" He asked.

"No, nothing." Dark spat. "I do not understand how a simple human could escape iron doors."

"You're underestimating her, Dark."

"Oh come now, you yourself didn't believe she would escape."

He was right, Die didn't think she'd get out. In the back of his mind though he knew he gave her specific hints about getting around the castle. So far the doors at the far end weren't opened. He wondered where she truly was, and even more so hoped she had escaped.

Just as these thoughts occurred Anti turned the corner holding her over his shoulder.

"Caught her." He announced casually. "Little too easy if you ask me, ye sure you're the leader's daughter?"

"You'll find out soon enough, Greeny." She shot back.

"Guards!" Dark called out.

"No need, Dark. I'll take'er back meself."

Die could feel the anger flowing off of Dark. He watched his friend glare at the girl, then take a step forward. He placed his arm in front of him.

"Remember we have no leverage without the girl."

Dark looked over at him, then (Y/n). "I will not kill the human, but show them their place." He pushed down his arm and continued. "Drop her, Anti."

Anti tossed her down to her feet.

She stumbled a few inches then turned around to face him. Before she could blink Dark had her by the neck against the closest wall. She gripped onto his wrist pulling him away with all her might. It wasn't the first time she'd been in this position. Being cocky though wouldn't be the best idea.

"If I were you I would kiss the ground Mors walks on for he is the sole reason you are still breathing right now." His red eyes pierced her own. "I am not completely sure how you managed to escape, but until I can find a better means to keep you in one place you will be placed under watch by Antisepticeye."

"Me?!" Anti protested.

"If you cause him any trouble, any minuscule annoyance I'll allow him to perform his ungodly acts of torture upon you, do I make myself clear?"

She nodded slightly.

Dark lifted her from the wall and tossed her onto the ground. She fell and laid motionless, then sat up rubbing her neck. There were definitely going to be bruises in the morning.

"Anti, see to it she is returned to her cell and is guarded well, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Dark."

He walked up to (Y/n) and grabbed her arm, forcing her up, then blurred them away.

After they left Dark let out a loud sigh, "Well, at least I won't be bored for quite a while now."

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