The Cat and The Mouse

Start from the beginning

"Why did the MT's turn on humans?" Noct thought to himself and a wave of worry washed over him.

"Prompto!" He shouted, sprinting up the stairs. Noct's legs slowed down as he looked down the corridor. It was as if it was slow motion. His feet crunched against the same materials Prompto earlier walked on. He walked very slowly, noticing the trail of blood on the floor that lead into multiple rooms. He gave in and allowed himself to cry, horrified at the sight. His head automatically peered into the room where a woman defending her child was dead. Her blood sprayed onto the walls. Noct felt nauseous, stumbling backwards into the broken door behind him and falling in on his back. The sickness grew as his got onto his knees and looked into the room he fell into. An MT laid on the floor, twitching and still alive as it reached for its weapon. Noct pulled his engine blade out and killed the bot before stumbling into the wall and vomiting. He groaned at himself and then further inspected the MT.

"Did you... kill yourself?" Noct raised its arm, that was gripping onto a sword that was stabbed into its metal body.

"A massacre of humans and then you all killed yourself? What is happening here?" Noct walked back out of the room, his body shaking in fear and adrenaline. He braced himself as he walked into Prompto's room.

",no.." Noct's voice was cracking. Prompto was obviously absent from the room.

Noct walked over to the bed where Prompto earlier laid. There were no bloodstains or sign of struggle, unlike the other rooms. The only damage was the door.

"Please tell me you're safe!" Noct looked up at the ceiling as if looking at the many Gods for help.


Prompto swayed back and forth as he walked down the street as if he was drunk, rifle in hand.

"What am I?" He cried.

The water was rising  at his ankles by now and it was beginning to get difficult to walk. He needed to get to higher ground. He snapped out of his hysterical state and began pushing against the current of the water. One of the cities many bridges was in his sight and he decided to head there to get away from the water, for now. He climbed the concrete steps and was stood in front of the grand fountain, with the stone Leviathan sat in the center, appropriate for the current situation. He felt a wet splash on his head, the sky began to drop water droplets.

"Really? Rain now of all times?" He sighed and continued to walk towards the large archways on the bridge for shelter. He rested his back against the wall and slid his body down, sitting with his knees at his chest.

"I'm sorry I let you down Noct." Prompto raised his head and spoke softly, the rain splashing on his cheeks.

"I guess I am worthless after all." He threw a small pebble into a puddle, watching it ripple and splash.

With his knees at his chest, he collapsed his neck and rested his head, face down into his knees. Wailing and bawling his eyes as his body violently shook as he gasped for air each cry.

"I guess this is it." He spoke to himself once more, as if he was talking to Noct as he watched the water raise at a quicker rate in the streets below him.

He scanned the area and noticed the glow of the energy canisters in the distance. It sparked a memory from his childhood.

The pre-teen Prince and his best friend sat comfortably on the outskirts of the citadel in one of the woods. They both laid on the floor, head resting on rocks and staring at the stars. Prompto giggles and pointed at one of the constellations.

Worthless// A Final Fantasy XV Prompto StoryWhere stories live. Discover now