Chapter Eight

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                         As the boys cried, I cried too. But I didn't cry like the sobbing kind of cry, it was more of like a tear escaped my eyes with a smile on lips kind of cry. It was amazing watching the boys, seeing them how much they love each other. The look of happiness from their eyes was contagious that I was feeling a little bit giddy. The one that caught my attention the most was the smile on Jungkook's face. To watch someone smile who hadn't smile after being in the dark for a long time was beautiful. Even though there was still sadness in it, he still managed to put up a real smile.

I laughed loudly when they raised Jungkook in the air as the boys hollered while Jungkook protested for them to put him down. They were so noisy that one of the nurses outside knocked on my room to tell them to tone it down. She was star struck to see the seven boys in my room as she stared at me wide-eyed and probably confused at what the hell these gorgeous human beings were doing in my room. But anyway my brother apologized as she left the room in shock. They started laughing again after she left and I laughed along with them and suddenly I felt someone was watching me.

I turned my head and saw him watching me with a small smile on his lips and the smile on my face immediately dropped the moment I laid eyes on him. I forgot he was here. I wished I just ignored the way his looking at me then I wouldn't have to feel like my throat closed up and my heart grew heavy.

Suddenly, it was hard to breathe in the room. I want out. I want air. I silently made my way out of the room, trying to be unnoticed as possible not wanting  Jin to see me upset. The last thing I wanted was to ruin the moment the boys were having.

When I was outside the room, I took a deep breath from how tight my chest felt like. It wasn't like I was wearing a very tight bra and I don't even have huge breasts to feel this sudden tight in my chest anyway. Ugh, why does he have to be here?

It wasn't even three minutes that my lungs finally learned how to take in oxygen when I felt someone held my wrist. My lungs felt clogged again.

I puffed out a shaky breath, frustrated at myself from how I knew who this person was just by holding my wrist. Pathetic.


I closed my eyes taking in the sound of my name from his voice. It was too much. It was too much pain hearing him say it again. If this was three years ago, I would've melt from how he was touching me. But not anymore. He was like a blazing fire, a simple touch from his skin burns. But instead of my skin getting burn, my heart was the one who got scorched. It was a 4th-degree burn and it hurts so freaking bad so I yanked my hand away from him afraid of the pain he was causing me.

When I turned to face him, I saw a familiar pair of mahogany eyes peering down at me with a glint of sadness swirling in it. He was giving me a look, a look that had thousands of emotions – pain, sadness, heartbreak – but the one that stood out than the rest of them was the look of regret. I could see it clearly, I could even feel it radiating from his body from how badly he wanted to hold me but he knew what he did was beyond the line.

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