Chapter 7

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"Alex! What do you mean that I can't leave this place? Not that I don't like staying here but I would like to go home" I asked impatiently.
This is the fifth time for today i asked him and his answer is, "Jennifer my beautiful best friend, I can't let you go home until Vincent say so" a smile dangled on the corner of his lips.
He's loving this right now.

"I don't need Vincent permission to leave okay, I didn't want to come here but someone drags me here without informing me. One minute I'm in the hospital and you with men in Black suit drag me here. An not to forget you were laughing the whole time like an idiot." I said angrily

"If it makes you feel any better when Vincent gets back he'll be the one to explain this to you. And for laughing at you I'm really sorry...........................not" he smirked sitting on there looking relaxed.

"I really hate you right now, I'll take your word for it and relax." I calm down and wait.
"So Jelly bean, can i call you that with me being your best friend and all." He said trying to be innocent
"Yeah, you can it's not like I have a choice, you'll just keep calling me that even if i disagree" I went over to the chair and sit down.

I'm here wondering what I'm going to do next or when Vincent comes home.

"Okay, jelly bean i don't know when Vincent is coming back. So why don't we relax and become better friends" he said sitting down next to me.

"Yeah, you guys don't even know me and want to be in my life. I don't deserve you or Vincent friendship" i said sadly closing my eyes

He sighs " Jennifer i don't think Vincent see you as a friend, you deserve more and that's what you are going to get from us."

"Alex you're the only friend i had in years and i like that you care about me. You guys didn't need to bring me here, I have work and bills to be paid." I said calmly

I know that ill only brings shame to them in the future.

"Jennifer I'm calling Vincent right now because I believe you just said that!!!!" Alex said angrily. He walked to pick up his phone and keep looking at me as he talks on the phone.

I gasp in shock then i realise that i said that out loud.

So i got up to walk through the hallway to find a room to relax in. I turn in the first one i could find, i know it was Vincent's room it was beautiful but dark and mysterious.

I walk in looking around then remembered why I came looking for a room lay in. I went to the bed then slide my hands over black silk sheet, liking the feel for it then i got in the bed pull the covers over me. Getting comfortable was a piece of cake, my eyes start to close and sleep swallow me whole.


Why the fuck is people trying to upset me today? All i want to do is find this fucking idiot that hurt my Jenny, then go home to see my son and girl.

My Jenny?  I like it.

" Alex please get her to calm down and wait for me to come home the. I'll explain to her why she there and for how long. There is no way i letting her out mine or your sight." I demand.

"Well, Vincent she calms alright, she sleeping in your bed right now. I'll make sure to keep her safe for you cousin." He amused

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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