chapter 4

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Four weeks later

Today is my birthday and I turning twenty-two, here I am sitting on my sofa staring at my walls. I have a day off today because lily thinks I deserve to celebrate my birthday which I haven't done anything since my parents died. I haven't heard or seen Vincent after the night of the date which I'm happy about. I won't blame if he doesn't want to see me again but then again he might be busy with his son and his other responsible too. Today I'll be doing what I have been doing for two years now; clean my small apartment then head down the café to get myself a small cake that I can afford also after the café heading to park to enjoy my birthday.

knock knock

Who could this be now, I'm not in the mood for visitors I thought heading to the door. I open my door to see the mailman handing me my mail and I mean that a lot of mails. I know its bills that need paying and I don't have the money pay it.

"Thank you" I said politely closing my door. I just drop the mails in the draw where I put all the unpaid bills.

After finish cleaning which took me about two and half hours and I only have a small apartment. I should be heading to café soon so I better start getting ready. I went to my room to get ready to going out. I walk in my bedroom change head to the shower I was out in like twenty minutes, I went onto my closet looking for something nice and simple to wear.

Hmmm. Decision, Decision

Oh! I know the perfect outfit. (Her outfit is above, hope you guys like it)

This is my third day off in two years and I intend to enjoy it because the first two wasn't so great. I really hope I don't run into Mrs. Davis on the way out because I can't deal with her today, I just want to have a peaceful day. When I finish changing I check myself in the mirror and damn I looking good even though I don't have any make up. I grab my grab my and keys heading to the door, I glance once inside my apartment then I was out the door.

When I walk out my of my apartment building heading minding my own business when someone strop in front of me. I look up to see who it is and if I know who they are but I didn't know this man at all.

"Excuse me? You're in my way." I try to side step him but he block my path.

Eh really

Well it looks like I won't be having that peaceful day like wanted. I thought

"Where are you going sweetheart?" he smile wickedly. "Somewhere that doesn't concerns you mister" I smile polity

"Feisty I like it" he took a step towards me, why do men have to be idiotic bastards?

"Why don't you come hang out with me and my friends" he glance over my shoulder. I look behind me there a group of men staring at me smirking.


"Sorry, I can't right now I have somewhere to be at the moment." I side step him again but he grab on to my arm really, it might leave a bruise later. I try to pull my arm away and he tighten his grip.

"You're hurting me" I look around scared but none was paying attention to what is happening except his friends.


"How about you let go the young lady arm before you lose your hand" said an angry familiar voice from behind me.

The man standing in front of me inhaled a sharped breath and loosen his hand on my arm. He back away from me looking at the person behind like he about to shit himself.

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