Chapter Forty-One

Start from the beginning

"They're coming here.." I awkwardly pulled my bag onto my shoulder more.

He nodded. "Yeah, I'm just waiting for Keith and Hunter, they had something to do. " He nodded, referring to his friends, his other little 'gang' members.

I didn't bother to say anything to him, not really wanting to talk to him and a little confused about the sudden change in behavior.

But I had stopped walking, knowing they would come to the school and that I don't need to go too far out. Ryan stopped with me, he stood in front of me.

He looked past me, his eyes looking a little high up.
"Welp, I gotta go. I'll see you later, Street ra- Uh! I mean, Mavis." He punched me in the shoulder like a bro would to another bro. Then he ran off. I rubbed my shoulder a little from him hitting me a little too hard. 

I watched him leave, completely lost to what just happened. I slowly turned around, both Dash and Kent stood there. I assumed they just saw what happened since they seemed just as confused as I was.

"What was that?" Riley appeared.

"I.. Have no idea.." I slowly shook my head no, taking small steps up to them.

"Did he finally get some common sense to quit messing with you?" Riley pulled the strap of his bag more onto his left shoulder.

"Told you! I must have handled it the right way!" Kent almost jumped in excitement, tapping Dash in the arm. "Scared him right into it."
He said like he had won something.

Dash started to shake his head, holding his hand out to stop Kent. "No no, I don't think you did. He didn't act scared, and that's nothing to be proud of. I suppose we can just be glad that he had came to his senses." Dash slowly turned and began to walk away, knowing we would all follow him. 

I looked behind myself in the direction Ryan had ran off, not seeing him anywhere in sight. I still wouldn't trust him, no matter how nice he is to me. He still did horrible things to me in the past and hurt me. It'll be a while before he would ever gain my trust. 

I started to follow them back to the light pole. Kent got to it first, powering it on. When it had opened, I stared it down like it was an enemy. Why is this thing so hard? With it having so much power I would assume that's why it is the way it is. It takes a little time for someone to master it. I hope I'll be able to get the hang of it one day, I hate being so depending on others, the children here hardly needs help getting around unlike me. It's amazing how they are able to travel back and forth without a problem. 

Even at the young age of five or six. I wonder how long has it taken them to learn how to control themselves through it. Practice makes perfect, I'll be able to get around without the help of the brothers eventually. 

"Mavis,  do you have it or would you like some help?" I heard Dash ask me to the right of me. I didn't even bother to look at him. 

"I got it." 
Before I made a move, Dash held his hand out to me, causing me to stop and look at him in confusion. 

"Let me at least hold your bag so it doesn't interfere with you." 

"Fine." I pulled my bag off of me and my hat, dropping them into his hand. He pulled his hand away when I ran and jumped through. 

Tingly feeling set in throughout my whole body, it was once again freezing. I felt almost weightless but having that sensation like I was underwater. It felt as if every little movement would throw me out of whack. I felt slightly, almost comfortable in here at this point, being use to it and going through it so many times. The colors around me pulsed brightly. 

I could see the end coming near, I readied myself mentally. I felt the sudden atmosphere change when I came to the end. I felt myself being shot out of the swirling force that I had traveled through. Surprisingly this time, the fall didn't last long and I didn't get a close up of the clouds. My mind didn't comprehend what was happening. My view, was like I was rolling, seeing the world hurling past me and going into a blur. I saw a very small glimpse of the clouds every few half seconds and mostly green. I felt like I was running into everything, grass I would assume. but it did not necessarily hurt. I came to a stop, face planting into dirt. 

"Whoa.. What tha hell..?" I heard Kent question, having no idea what happened. He looked back and forth from the portal and to me. I tried to push myself back up onto my feet, falling back over.

"Wow. Good job, shorty." Kent keeled down in front of me. 

I tried to get myself up but ended up rolling over, seeing the world as spinning.  "What.. Did I do it?" I tried to look up at him. 

"Well.." He thought about it. "Not really, but you almost did. Your exit is suppose to be a little slower-like. You managed to lower the height, now you have to figure out how to land and hopefully slow down on your exit." 

I groaned, rolling onto my back. Seeing the tall green grass tower high over me. 

"Just think, if you went just a little bit faster, you could have cut the grass for us." Kent joked, getting back onto his feet. 

"Shut up." I tried to steady my sight so I could see straight. 

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