Chapter 11

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Storms POV

I woke up and Edwin was crying through the baby monitor, He can crawl now, He's 10 months old, He can also stand but not very well.

I looked at the time: 7:27, I pulled away from Grayson's grip and turned the volume down so it didn't wake him.

I stood up and put on one of his shirts on and then my underwear with shorts. My hair was still damp as I quickly put it up and walked out.

I opened Edwins door and walked in. "Hey baby" I said, "Da da da da" He said reaching his arms out, "Daddy is sleeping ok" I picked him up and held him on my hips.

"Wanna help me make pancakes?" I asked, He nodded rubbing his nose. I sat him in his high chair and gave him some blueberries. I made the mix and started cooking. "Music!" Edwin screamed, I smiled turning on the radio.

"Berwys" he said pointing at the freezer. "What?" I asked, "Berwys" I opened the freezer, "Oh you want more berries?" I asked, He nodded as I dumped some more on his plastic plate. I put them back and went back to cooking.

I sang along to the radio feeling hands on my waist. I smiled and turning around to a shirtless Grayson and kissed him. "Da da da da" Edwin said, grayson smiled looking at him. "What?" He asked, "Berwys" He said pointing at his plate.

"Oo can I have one?" He asked, Edwin nodded and put one in Grayson's mouth. I laughed as Grayson ate it.

"I'm gonna go get changed can you watch the food?" I asked, "But you look hot in that" He said against my ear. "Sure but you know E and Brooke are gonna be here, You don't want him seeing me in this" I said, "Fine, Be quick" He kissed my cheek and I walked in our room.

I put on a purple shirt and high waist jeans then put on mascara and eyeliner, I added concealer and clear lip gloss.

I brushed my teeth and let my hair down brushing it. I took a few selfies and posted them on instagram.

I smiled at the one comment.


GraysonDolan: My beautiful babygirl :*


I walked out, "Mmm I could finally see you in person" Grayson said picked me up and kissing me. "I love you" I giggled, "I love you more" He responded putting me down.

"Wassup guys!" Brook said walking in. "Hey" Grayson responded. "Little E" Ethan said walking up to Edwin. "Uncle E" Edwin said back as we all laughed, That's their thing, It's little E and uncle E.

"So how did you guys sleep, Alone... Without us... here" I smacked her as she laughed. I flipped the last pancake and put it on top of the others. "Ooo pancakes" Ethan walked over and grabbed one.

"No E th-" "Ow fuck! That's hot" He cut me off dropping it. "There still hot" I continued as we laughed.

I Emailed and said I wasn't gonna be there again but will be tomorrow because Grayson has to go to work.

I Gave Edwin a tiny pancake with syrup and a plastic fork. I cut it up and helped him eat it as I ate with everyone.

"Ewww" Edwin whined feeling his hands sticky. "Here let me clean you" I grabbed a wipe and wiped his hands clean. "All done!" I said putting him down and watching him crawl to his toys.

"I'm gonna do dishes" I said to Grayson kissing his cheek, "Ok" He responded, "I'll help" Brook said, "Let's go watch little E" Ethan said as they walked into the living room. I cleaned a plate and handed it to Brook to dry.

"So..." she said, "What?" I asked, "did you?" She asked, "Yeah" I said as she set it in the strainer. "Ooooh did you like it?" She asked, "huh?" "did you like how it felt?" She asked, "Yeah, who doesn't" I laughed,

"What about you and E" I asked, "Oh we've has sex multiple times by now" I laughed, "I asked Gray, I was ready but he said he wasn't, He wanted to take things slow, but then he wanted me to join him in the shower and he kissed my neck so.. That gave me my answer" I said.

We were all done and I walked into the living room, The boys were playing 'Need for speed'. "Where's Edwin?" I asked, "He's over there playing with his toys" Grayson said,I walked over, "No he's not Grayson"

I walked down the halls. "Edwin!" We were all looking for him. "See Grayson, This is why I'm not ready to have a baby! Your so fucking Irresponsible" I said, "How?!" He argued. "Because you can't watch your own fucking son" We looked around for him.

"It's not my fault!" He yelled. "You were supposed to watch him" I said, I looked in our bathroom and looked in the cabinets. "Edwin what are you doing down there" I asked picking him up.

I smacked his hand lightly. "No no no" I walked out, "I found him" His lip poked out from where I discipline him. "Little E, what were you thinking" Ethan asked picking him up,

"See you found him it wasn't that hard!" Grayson said, "He was under the bathroom cabinets! There are chemicals there!" I said, "But he's fucking fine isn't he!" He yelled, "Yeah but he couldn't have been" I said,

"Guys stop arguing in front of the baby" Ethan said, I rolled my eyes and walked to my room and slammed the door, I walked into the bathroom and cleaned up the clothes from last night.

I sat on my bed and looked at the ceiling, the door opened and Grayson walked in. I sighed setting up, "I'm sorry ok, Ethan and I got carried away with the game, I should've paid attention" He said setting on the bed,

"It's fine, I shouldn't have called you irresponsible" I said, "I'm sorry I yelled at you too" He kissed me as I smiled and kissed back. "It's fine, I love you" "I love you too" I walked out with Grayson.

Edwin was setting on Ethan's lap with his finger in his mouth. "Come here baby" I picked him up, "I'm sorry I smacked you but you don't go under there ok" He nodded, "Give me kiss" He pecked my lips as I did back.

"Wanna walk?" I asked, He smiled, "Yeah" He's never really called me anything but he also can't talk that well. I put him down as he grabbed my fingers and walked down the hall. My phone buzzed as I pulled it out of my pocket.

Mom: Hey sweetie, I'm coming out <3 can't wait to meet your boyfriend, Be there in an hour

"Shit" I picked Edwin up. "What?" Grayson asked, "My mom's gonna be here and she doesn't know about Edwin."


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