Chapter 6

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-Grayson's POV-

I woke up to Edwin screaming. It was almost 6:30 and I had fallen asleep on the couch with Edwin. I sat him up and patted his back.

"Calm down it's okay" I stood up and grabbed a diaper with wipes, I changed his diaper then threw it away and put a clean one on him.

"Today is a long day" I groaned as Edwin had finally stopped crying. I laid him on the blanket as he rolled over. "You got that down don't you," I said smiling. I sat him up as he put his hands in front of him helping him balance.

"Can I trust you long enough to run and get some pillows?" I asked as he fell over, He looked at me and hiccupped, I chuckled and walked into my room and grabbed 3 pillows. I came back and he was on his stomach looked around.

I sat him up and put a pillow on both sides of him then one behind him. I laid some toys around him as he would try and reach to grab one.

While he was doing that I stood up and called Storm. "Hello" She said, "Hey, it's Grayson again, I'm gonna get my brother to watch Edwin so I can take you on that date" I said, "Oh as long as it's not a problem" I could tell she was smiling, "Yeah, nope, I'll pick you up at 8, that ok?" I asked, "Yeah that's great, did you find out what wrong with Edwin?" She asked, "Yeah just constipated like most babies get" I looked at Edwin who had fallen down again and was rolling over on his stomach.

"Ok, Well talk to you later," She said, "Yeah bye" I hung up and put my phone in my pocket. I laid beside Edwin. "I love you, you know that," I said as He rolled over and smiled, I smiled back and kissed his cheek.

I put my finger to his hand as he grabbed it and put it in his mouth. "Eww what are you doing" I joked wiggling my finger, He just started smiling and giggling.

I poked his nose as he sneezed. "Oh bless you" I sat up and he looked at me, I helped him set up as he rested his hands in front of him for more balance.

I checked the time, 7:23, I looked at Edwin, "I hope this will work out" I called Ethan. "Sup bro," He said, "E I need you to watch Edwin, He's in a much better mood so he should be easy," I said, "Ok On my way" He responded. "Great cya soon" I hung up and picked Edwin up.

"Wanna help daddy pick out his clothes?" I laid him on my bed and pulled out a black shirt and a grey shirt. Then some ripped jeans or sweatpants.

"Ok, jeans with what shirt?" I talked to my son although he didn't understand. "Grey it is," I said getting dressed, I put on shoes then combed my hair.

I sprayed some cologne on then looked into the mirror. Ethan walked in and looked at me. "Yo," He said, I looked at him. "Sup I gotta be there in 15 minutes but I still gotta get the pizza." He nodded, "Ok can't wait to meet the mystery girl tomorrow," He said, "Hey again my little nugget, You feel better" Ethan added picking Edwin up,

"Ok, The formula's on the cabinet he should be hungry in about an hour, You know how to change a diaper, When I come back I expect him to be sleeping." I said, "Ok dude just go" He walked out with me, I gave Edwin a kiss then walked out to my car and drove to the Daycare.

-Storm's POV-

"Ok, he will be here in 5 minutes do I look ok?" I asked Brooklyn I was wearing a purple shirt and leggings with flats.

"You look hot Storm, just don't worry" I had eyeliner, Mascara, and concealer on.

"Ok, I'm ready" I had my hair up and my natural curls flowed. He knocked on the door and I opened it. "Hey" I walked out, "Hey, You ready?" I nodded He drove and we got out then started walking a little and it was an open field. There was a small pizza and chocolate covered strawberries and other fruits.

"Before you give me all the credit I had help by Brooklyn," he said as I smiled, "But you still did... All of this" I said, "Do you like it?" He asked, "I love it" He smiled and sat down as I joined him. We ate and talked while looking at the stars.

After He drove me to my apartment, Brooklyn cleaned up the daycare. Grayson let me out as I thanked him.

He walked me to my door, "So, I was thinking, It's been the second date, Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" Grayson asked, "Yeah of course" I smiled, He smiled and looked at him.

"Ok, Cya tomorrow," He said, "Ok great, Bye" I smiled, He walked to his car and I walked in. "did you say yes?" Brooklyn asked as soon as she saw me,

"Yeah" I smiled, I haven't had a boyfriend since I was 16. "Yay! Did you like it? He sent me a picture before he picked you up" She said, "I loved it Brook thanks for helping him" I smiled, "No problem, Wanna watch mean girls and eat popcorn?" She asked, "Duh" I took my hair down and then my shoes.

-Grayson's POV-

I walked inside with a smile on my face, Ethan was playing the PS4 with Edwin in his arms sleeping. "Sup bro," He said, "Hey" I took off my shoes and walked over. "Did you ask her?" He asked I nodded, "Did she say yes?" "Yeah" He paused his game and put the remote down.

Ethan has a girlfriend, Some girl name Alissa, I took Edwin out of his arms and brought him to my room laying him in his crib.

I walked out, "Ok, can I sleep here tonight? I go to the daycare anyway and Alissa's in Florida with her parents" Ethan asked, "Yeah" He started playing the game some more as I grabbed a banana then ate it soon going to bed.


YAY! They are dating, I honestly really am liking this <3 Love you :* 

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