Chapter 2

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Storms POV

I woke up at 6, I took a quick shower. I put on mascara and eyeliner. I put on skinny jeans and a normal purple short sleeve.

I brushed my teeth and walked to the kitchen, Brooklyn was already there, It was 6:30, We drove to the building and I unlocked the door cleaning everything.

I checked my email.

4 new emails

signed up for storms sunshine daycare.

Someone donated: 50 dollars.

Pinterest: Cute baby games.

signed up for storms sunshine daycare.

I accepted their sign-ups, They will be here today. I turned on all the lights to show were open, Children started coming in.

Then there was a new child."Hi, I'm Storm, this is Brooklyn" He shook my hand. "Grayson, Edwin" I nodded, "Ok I can take him if you want and sign these" He grabbed the clipboard and pen as I grabbed the car seat out of his arms and carried him to the newborn room.

I unstrapped the small child and picked him up. I labeled his name on his car seat then held the baby close my chest, I held his head so it doesn't fall back. "Your just the cutest thing aren't you" He laid his head on me.

I walked out as I slowly bounced him. "Oh, someone's got the hiccups" I smiled rubbing his back. "Here you go" Grayson handed me the clipboard as I grabbed it and sat in on the counter.

"Ok, So is this a daily routine, Like will he be here every day? And what time" He closed his eyes as if he was thinking. "Umm yeah every day, 7:30 to whatever time I will be done, that ok?" I nodded, "Yeah, It will only be him and like 2 more children that late, That means more attention huh" I loved babies they were the cutest things on earth.

Grayson chuckled and rubbed his son's head lightly. He kissed his forehead, "I'll see you later ok" Grayson left and Edwin immediately started crying.

"Awe you poor thing" I kissed his cheek and tried to calm him down. "Brook can you help me" She stood up from her desk and walked over, "I don't know what to do" I giggled.

I grabbed his diaper bag and pulled his bottle out. I laid him back but he refused, I rarely ever get babies that throw a fit.

I laid him in a crib so I could attend to more children.

*3 hours later*

Edwin still hasn't stopped crying. "Oh my god Storm what is wrong with him?" Brooklyn asked, "I don't know I've tried everything," I said.

But not yet, It has been almost all day, Edwin never stopped crying, Him and this other 8-year-old were there, I sat in the rocking chair and rocked him back and forth.

The father of the last child arrived and took the girl. It was 8:36 and Edwin still has not slept or eaten at all, I was worried, I slowly rocked him.

Someone knocked on the door and I opened it, It was Grayson, He looked really surprised. "What's wrong with him?" He asked, "Umm Since you left he hasn't stopped crying" Grayson picked him up and looked at him.

He realized who was holding him and immediately stopped. Grayson hugged him and held his head, "What's wrong little dude" Grayson rocked him.

"I am so sorry, He has never really been away from me, Beside my brother, But I have an identical twin so we look alike" I nodded, "Thanks so much" He smiled, "Yeah no problem" Brooklyn walked over.

"Hi, nice to meet you" She shook his hand as Grayson nodded. "Oh yeah, His car seats in here just follow me" He followed me into the newborn room.

I almost tripped over a toy, "Shit" I covered my mouth. "Oh sorry, I try not to cuss in front of children" I laughed, "It's fine, my brother does all the time, I try not to but sometimes it just slips out" We both laughed.

I grabbed Edwin and strapped him in, I laid the bottle beside of him. "Here you go" I smiled, "Cya tomorrow," Grayson said handing me the 50 dollars, "Just out of curiosity does he have a mother that will pick him up?" I asked, "Uhh not exactly" He scratched his head, "Oh ok" he nodded and walked out.

"Holy shit Storm he was hot" I looked at her, "Omg you think everyone's hot" I laughed. We cleaned up then went home.

-Grayson's POV-

I strapped my son in and kissed his cheek. "Daddy chose the right babysitter didn't he, We both win, I get to talk to a hot girl who loves you, and you get all the attention you can get" I closed his door and got in.

I pulled out then drove to my house, I was about to take Edwin out when I got a call from the daycare.

"Hello" I stood at the door looking at Edwin as he started crying. "Hi- umm sorry to bother you, You uh left your diaper bag here," Storm said over the phone.

"Oh yeah, I can come get it" I offered, "Yeah but I'm at my place, I can text you my address, Don't worry, your not the only one that this happens to" She laughed as I chuckled, "Ok once you send me your address I'll be on my way" I told her. "Mkay bye," She said, "bye" I hung up and slid my phone in my pocket and opened Edwin's door.

"Hey baby, Calm down ok, Were going on a drive again." His face turned hot red as he screamed, I sighed unbuckling him and taking him out. I walked around the parking lot of the apartment and rocked him.

"You hungry?" I asked him, I picked up the bottle, 6 ounces. I pressed the nipple to his lips. I let him notice the bottle was in his mouth as he began sucking on it and swallowing the liquid that no one knows how babies can stand, He slowly closed his eyes as he drank.

He had drunk half of it as I put him against my shoulder and took the bottle out, I began burping him as he started crying again. "I just gotta burp you babe hold on" He burped as I smiled, "There you go" I lifted him up in the air as he looked at me and smiled, His dimples showed as I kissed his tiny lips.

He began crying as I laid him back in my arms and fed him. After a few minutes, the bottle fell out of his mouth after he stopped sucking.

I looked around then laid him back in his car seat, I buckled him up then slowly closed the door, Getting in and putting the texted address in the GPS.


I arrived, I didn't know what apartment she was in so I decided to text her.

Me: I'm here, Where are you??

Storm: I'll meet you outside.

Me: Ok :)

She left it on seen and I saw her walk out, She noticed me and walked towards my car. I stepped out peeking at my son then looking at her. "Thanks so much" She handed it to me, "Yeah no problem" She responded, I laid it in the back seat below Edwin.

"Awe, he's just the cutest" She looked at him and smiled, "A lot of people think he looks like me but I think he looks like his mom" I chuckled, "Where is his mom?" She asked, "oh that was rude, you don't have to tell me," She said.

 "Oh no it's fine, It was just a one night stand, She randomly showed up at my door and said if I didn't want the child to put it up for adoption because It's my fault I didn't wear protection, But I couldn't do something like that" I explained as she nodded.

"Yeah, I love children they are so cute and a really fun experience" She said, "Well I'll let you take Edwin home so he can sleep in his bed" She added with a smile, "Yeah, again thanks" I got in as she waved bye then walked back into her apartment.

I took Edwin home and laid him in his bed, I watched him breathe as his arms were beside of his head and his head was slightly turned to the left, His legs were sprawled out and his two hands were balled up into a ball.

I turned off the light and got into my bed. I thought about Storm that night, She's just so stunning, But she probably is taken.


 I am so sorry I haven't updated lol I was sick and didn't have wifi... But I finished it!! I just gotta copy and paste 

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