2. Ice-Cream Sunday

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My parents are at church they don't bring me as I said before they hate me. I don't want to go to church with them because I don't think it's God they worship.

I hear the ding of the bell and I know that my toast is finished. I leave it to cool and began making scrambled eggs.

I'm done in 2 minutes. I then pour out a glass of Orange juice and make my way to my room. I'm sitting watching 'For Better Or For Worse' I hear something outside. I look out my window to see a car parked by my house when the person notices me they drive off. I shrug because it's normal for persons to watch the house my mom doesn't want people breaking in.


I'm sitting on my bed when I hear the front door slam shut. I quickly straiten the sheet on my bed and rush into the bathroom, today's Sunday, I'm supposed to clean the toilets. I've cleaned  their bathrooms they don't normally check mine but I'm supposed to be working. I hear a knock on my room door and I shout, "I'm cleaning the toilet," I hear the foot steps fade away I let out a sigh of relief. You don't wanna know what would happen if they saw me just sitting around.

I go and lie down on my bed I'm so tired so I fall asleep...........

"-la,Kyla, KYLA,K-," I quickly get up I look on my phone to see it's 11 am. I quickly get up and rush downstairs I must make them brunch by 11:45 the latest. I open the refrigerator and see that we only have some vegetables,and rice along with some left over French fried chicken. I have to make something quick so I put on 2 pots with water a small one and a big one,on the stove and light the fire under each I start peeling some Irish potatoes ,after I peeled about 8 of them I put in in the small pot of boiling water. I then take out some rice wash it and put it in the big pot.
I then clean the counter then begin making my salad. I thread the cabbage,leaf the lettuce,slice the tomatoes and grater some carrot I place it in a bowl add a teaspoon of mayo, mix it together then place it in the fridge to cool. I then stir the rice and put it on a low flame. The Irish potatoes are cooked so I take them out and begin to crush them I then add cheese,a little salt and mayo and then set it in the fridge. I then start chopping the chicken into small pieces I add some seasoned salt and some chopped seasonings. I put a frying pan on the stove and light it. After about 2 minutes when the pot was very hot I put some oil in the pot after it gets hot I add some of the chopped seasoning in the oil to let it fry a little then I pour the bowl of chicken in the oil.I then start stirring it with a fork I then add some water. I let it simmer for 2 minutes then I add some ketchup to give it colour and flavor. I then add more seasoning to taste and then turn of the fires. I take out 3 plates and one bowl.

I fill the bowl with my food and separate the rest. I shout, "I'm done!",and hurry to my room.


~2 hours later

It's about 3 pm now. So we are going out,we normally go for Ice-Cream but it doesn't look like it today.

"Kyla, come here," my mom shouts.

I run downstairs to find her in the kitchen.

Then she begins talking,"New tradition, instead of wasting my time buying you ice cream, we made homemade ice cream." She has a big smile on her face and anytime my mom smiles she has something up her sleeve.

Hesitantly I reply,"O-ok,where is it?"

She goes into the fridge and takes out a tiny jar containing a white substance. Then she takes out a can of whip cream.

I raise my eyebrow, "What's that?"

She then begins,"You see, this is your father's sperm,last night we decided you should know what it tastes like when you decide to give him a blow,and the whip cream is topping so it makes the sperm creamy plus it's frozen and that makes ice cream,so eat up. "

I've never felt more sick in my life. I run and enter my room. I feel the sickness rise to the back of my throat and I run to the toilet throwing up.


I am under my sheets. Sometimes I wonder if my mother is on drugs, it's like she's lost her mind.

Well it's not like they care so why should I. It's about 8 pm but I decide to go to bed after all tomorrow's my first day back.



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