My ideal type

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A few days later, Zelo is walking towards their practice room when he walked pass a practice room and saw you dancing. As he looked closer, he saw that you are slightly suffering. "Umm.. Zuri?" He said and you looked at him. "Gwaenchanha?" Zelo asked and you nodded while forcing a small smile. "I just slightly sprain my ankle when i was doing street performing but i'm okay." You said and looked at him. "Wait.. Why are you here?" You asked and Zelo looked down. "Oh.. I'm going to our practice room." Zelo replied and you nodded. "Take care, okay?" Zelo said and walked away and you smiled. "Thanks. You too." You said and went back to dancing. *Is this.. Why i like you?* Zelo wondered and a smile crept to his face.

A week has passed since that incident and all that's in your mind is Zelo. *Is he.. Always that caring?* You wondered and looked down. *Might as well go and clear my mind.* You thought and went to the roof. Once you opened the door, you got shocked as you saw Zelo is there, looking at the scenery. "Oh.. Zuri, i didn't think i'll see you here." Zelo said while smiling and you looked down. "Me too." You said and Zelo smiled. "Zuri-yah.. What.. What would you say if i say that.. I like you?" Zelo asked and you felt time has stopped for you, even your heart has stopped beating and you have forgotten to breathe. "Is that.. Just a challenge from 'Truth or dare'?" You asked and Zelo shook his head. "I never really gone out with any girl before but.. The more we spent time together, get to know more about each other, the more i felt that you are getting closer to my ideal type." Zelo said and you looked down.

"Although.. I have alot of guy friends, the feelings for you is starting to change. I don't really know what that is since i never really have any boyfriend before but.. If you want.. We can.. Try..Being a couple and to.. Make sure of our feelings." You said and Zelo looked at you and smiled. "I'd love that. If our feelings for each other grew, that means we love each other." Zelo said and you nodded. "But.. I'm an amateur about dating." Zelo added and you smiled. "So am i.. So.. Why not take things slowly? Let's do things normally. Let's be a couple but also a friend for each other." You said and Zelo nodded. "I'd love that." Zelo said and you smiled and the two of you hugged at the roof. "Glad i came up here." You said and Zelo nodded. "Me too." Zelo said and you smiled and soon, the two of you laughed.


Hey guys!! This is the end of the book!! How is it?? I don't quite like the ending though and i think this is a failure TT Thanks for reading, voting, following me and commenting^^ Comments are appreciated^^ No matter if the comments are negative or positive^^ I'll work harder to write better fanfics for you readers^^

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