Dance battle

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The next day, all of you are at the airport, going to L.A. "Hey, what's the first thing you wanna do when you reach there?" Dylan asked and all of them smiled while looking at each other. "Skate-boarding!" All of them shouted and cheered while laughing, ignoring all the stares they are getting. You just smiled while looking at them while Viola just sighed while shaking her head. "They sure are optimistic, after what happened." Himchan said and they nodded. "We should be more like them.. Forget about the past and just look forward." Yongguk said and they agreed. "Hey, we can board the plane now." Archie said and all of you went to board the plane.

After all of you are settled in the plane, you started talking to Viola and Cole as they are seated beside you. "Hey, what will you do if you met Patty? She did say she wanna have a re-match with you." Viola asked and you looked at them. "If she wanna have a re-match then, i'll just have to give that to her, right? Although the result will still be the same." You said and they high-fived you. A few hours later, all of you arrived at L.A. "Yo Arch! You forgot this!" Lex said as he passed Archie his duffel bag which Archie caught it perfectly. "Thanks." He thanked and Lex just raised his hands, saying 'It's alright'. "All of them sure helps one another even though they quarrel." Sanghyun said and they nodded.

"Let's go to Venice beach." Nick said and all of them agreed while smiling. After getting onto a bus, they left to Venice beach. On the bus, all of you are being noisy while playing games and talking while laughing and the rest are just looking at all of you with a smile on their faces. "Hey! You cheated! Sore loser." Zack said and Dylan stuck out his tongue and all of you laughed. "Come on, we are in a bus for crying out loud." Cole said and all of you snickered. "Well.. This bus is practically empty so it doesn't matter, right?" Rocky said and hanks sighed while shaking his head. "Zuri, listen to this." Viola said and you plugged in an ear-phone into your ear and Viola played a song and you bobbed your head to the rhythm.

Once the bus reached, all of you went out and skate-boarded to the skate park while the rest walked behind all of you. "Yo Zuri! Long time no see! How have you been?" The skate-board store owner asked and you put a thumbs up while smiling. "Yo Zuri! Show us a trick or two." One of the regular skate-boarders which you get to know asked and you showed them a few tricks on the ramp and they clapped. "As expected." They complimented and you smiled. As you are skate-boarding with them, Zelo joined in while the rest just sit on a bench, watching all of you.

"Look who's back..The tomboy." Patty said once she saw you and you stopped skate-boarding and walked towards her. "Long time no see Scott." You said as you raised an eye-brow and she looked at you. "Lopez." She said while smirking. "Ready for the re-match? Although the result wouldn't change no matter how many re-matches you have." You said and she scoffed. "Let's see then. Afternoon, at Griffith park." Patty said and you nodded. "Wait.. how many people?" You asked and she left after putting up five fingers.

"Yo! Stop and come here for awhile." You said and all your male friends walked towards you. "Re-match at Griffith park. Five on five. Who want in?" You asked and they looked at each other. "Umm.. Why not Lex, Dylan, Zack and Rocky? Along with you, that is." Archie suggested and you looked at the four of them. "I'm in." Rocky said and soon, the rest followed. "Let's make the best out of it, right?" You said and they nodded. "Let's have fun." Dylan said and you agreed. "Let's go eat first, i'm starving." Hanks said and all of you laughed.

As all of you are eating, Zelo and Jongup looked at you. "We can join, you know." Zelo said and you shook your head. "This re-match is none of your concern and besides, we want to do it, even if we lose." You said and they nodded. "Good luck on your dance battle then." Juran said and you thanked. "Dude, you are gonna choke, idiot." Archie scolded Hanks, making them laugh. "Yo Zuri, we won't be seeing you compete. Surfing." Archie said and you put up an 'Ok' sign. "The water's good?" You asked and he put a thumbs up. "Join ya later?" You asked and he nodded while smiling. "Let's go to Griffith park then." Lex said and all of you went to Griffith park.

Once all of you reached, it's already afternoon and you saw Patty with her posse as usual. "So... Who's helping you win this time?" You asked and when Patty snapped her fingers, five dancers walked up. "Are you that desperate?" Zack said and all of you laughed. "Laugh all you want, since we'll be the last one laughing." Patty said and all of you sighed. "Music playing." One of her posse said and music is being played. "Who's starting?" You asked and Patty's dancer started dancing first. Lex and Rocky started b-boying which attracted alot more people. After a few rounds, the cheers for you and your friends are getting louder and louder and finally, Patty lost again.

"See ya later, Scotts." You said and walked away with your friends.

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