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As usual I get ready for school. I cleaned up and packed my stuff. As I walk out from my house. Well this is not usual, someone was standing in front of my door.

Waiting for me..

Unusual feelings from me too. My lips created a smile that haven't been in my life for a long time. Now they appeared once again.

Because of him..

" Why are you just standing there? Let's go. " Daniel said as he pull me together with him. The whole journey, our hand intertwined and he never let it go. Even for one second.

" Daniel, you probably should let go of my hand now. We are almost here. " I said.  He look at me with his upset face. " Why? " I asked.

" I don't want to let go of your hand. I don't want you to felt cold. " Daniel said. He cares my hand gentle.

Oh Lord. I'm falling for him even deeper.

" I promise I won't, okay? For now, Let them go first. " I said politely. He just nodded while looking away. I can see that he was sulking on me.

" Why??? " I asked. I pull his sleeve as he looked at me. " Don't be mad.. " I said. Looking at me trying to persuade him, he show me back his beautiful smile. My favorite smile in the world.

" Okay but let me walk with you. " I couldn't resist him so I just let him be.

I was about to walk in when I saw Sekyung not far away from us and I could see she was glaring deadly.

" Yak! Come here! " She called. I try to ignore but she walk to me.

What am I gonna do now?!!

" Noona!! " Daniel called. Sekyung was looking at me with her annoyed expression turn into a fake smile to Daniel.

" Noona let's go to cafeteria. I haven't have my breakfast. Let's go! " He said pulling Sekyung away.

Once again, he saved me. But seeing him with her make my heart ache.


I went to my class after Daniel left.

The class was so silent until I open door. I could feel a bucket of cold water was splash on me and the whole class are laughing at me.

I look at them shaking.

I was about to walk away when I saw Daniel and Sekyung was there looking at me. As usual, Sekyung would laugh out loud. Meanwhile Daniel was looking at me surprised. We both look at each other for a short moment then I run away.

I could heard Daniel yelling out my name but i never look back.

I run to the toilet and locked myself.

" WHY ME?!!! " I yelled.

I couldn't take this anymore.

For the whole time I've been so patient. Why am I always be the target? I hope just for one day, they can treat me like an actual human.

" Woonie!! " I heard the door was knocked so loud and Daniel's panic voice. I ignored. " Woonie!!  Please open the door! " Daniel said again 

" Go away Daniel! Stay away! If the others saw you with me, they will bully you next time. Just stay away! " I yelled back.

Don't Cry Again || Kang Daniel FF ✔Where stories live. Discover now