•Another Day•

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I woke up again today. Nothing came out from my mouth again than a heavy sighed.

I am still alive...

I look at my left wrist. Dried brood after the fresh cuts I made yesterday. Until now I'm still alive.


Yeah.. Life must go on..

For what actually? For someone like me I have no more reason to live for. My parents kicked me out from their life. People hates me. People look at me like I'm such a monster. They look at me like a wanted murder.

Yes.. I murdered someone. Someone who loves me and the only human who loves me. I killed him with my bad luck.

I went to the bathroom to cleaned up and ready to collage. Using my usual clothed. Oversized sweater and the same old jeans.
With the sweater I covered the disgusting things from my body.

I am disgusting. I disgust myself like other people did.


" Hey Nerd!! Come here! " Some girls called me. I look at them. Those girls. Those girl who never get bored on bullying me everyday. Just...


I couldn't do anything to defeat myself. I just let myself become their slave.

" Did you finish my assignment?! " She asked. More like yelling. I nodded and hand her assignment to her. She snitch it from my hand harsh. Without saying Thank You she leave but before leaving she give me a little 'sweet talk' .

" Bitch. If I didn't get full mark this time, get ready to get bet up! " She said.

Her name is Hwang Sekyung. Her father was one of the chairmanship. But why on earth her father never know about his daughter attitude.

People in this collage know about her. About she have been bullying people. Bullying me but none of them report. None of them care. None of them bother.

I was all alone. No one is here with me.

My life was a messed.


I went straightly home after my part time job. I am tired.

Physically and mentally.

I really don't want to live anymore. I always wanted to die. I always try to kill myself.

I cutted myself. I choked myself. I drowned myself.

But always ended up waking up again the next morning.


My life are miserable. Why can't I just die? Why!

It's not fair for someone who's like me live while the person that everybody loves everybody cares died.


It's not fair from us.

It's not fair for him.

It's not fair for you..



Today our family was told the most shocking news. The news that no one in this world would believe. No one would want to believe.

Everybody hearts. Everybody sunshine Everybody happiness.

He passed away.

The kind man and amazing man passed away.

" You are such a bad luck!! If it's not because of Jinyoung I will never give a birth to you!!! " My mother slapped me and hits me thousands time but the only pain I felt is inside. In my heart.

Bae Jinyoung.

A guy that born with the whole golden luck. Making his parents so proud and happy. Such a lovely person and a caring brother. He is perfect. A perfect guy.

Meanwhile I am totally opposite.

I'm a ill-fate. I am a bad news. Everyone hate me. At least the only one person that loves me was there. It's him. Bae Jinyoung. He is so kind to me. Everytimes our parents scolded me he will be there to protect me and comfort me. He said none of bad things happened because of me.

He is my angel. He is my guardian.

But our memories ended there when this accident happened and it took my brother lifes.

I've lost the only person who loves me. My life be came miserable when all those who loves him blame me on his death.

I blamed myself too.

I couldn't accept it.

The time when the accident happened, I was supposed to be with him on the trip but I couldn't come along because I was sick.

But now...

If only I know this would happened.. I will never bother my illness and go with him.

So that I could die with him.

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