•The Inspired Dream•

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I feel cold breeze touching my skins. It gently wake me up from sleep. I look around and found myself in a beautiful garden. The place was bright and beautiful.

I've never been at this place before.

I'm always in the dark. At the place that is so so cold and no one would want to call it home.

What am I doing here?

I get up and looking at someone unfamiliar looking at me confused like I look at her.

I walk closer as she walk closer too. I reach out the hand and get startled.

It was me??

It was my own reflection.

I look so.... nice..

I always look messy and miserable now looking so clean and neat.

With a white sleeping dress. The scars on my wrist are not visible. The bruised on my neck was no more there.

Where am I?

Did I...

Finally die?

" OPPA!! Where are you?!! I'm finally here to see you!!! Oppa?! " I called out loud. Finally I can see my lovely brother!!

" Oppa!! " I called again.

" Your oppa is not here darling.. " Someone approach me from behind. I turned and saw good looking guy with unbelievable beautiful smile. I look at him confused.

" Who are you? Where is my brother? Are you perhaps my brother guardian who will bring me to my brother? " I asked. He shook his head still smiling at me.

" Your brother is not here. He is not here anymore. " He answer. " So where is him? Is there any chance I could met him now? Or I should do something to met him? " I asked politely.

" He's in heaven now. He passed away. You cannot met him anymore. " He answer me politely too.


So where am I?

I thought I've died too.

" Baby.. You are still alive. You are still at this world. " He said. I look down on my feet.

I'm still at this world? So I'm not died yet?

I guess I couldn't end my own life.

" Sir could you do me a favor? " I asked again. " What is it? " He asked me back.

" Can you end my life? " I said. He seem to be surprised. " Why would you ask me to do such things to you? " He asked. Still with the soft and polite tone.

" Because I was tired of my life. I don't have family. I get bully and I'm all alone. I wanted to kill myself but I always survived. Maybe someone else could do it from me. " I explained.

" I'm sorry. I couldn't do that. " He said. I look at him with disappointed face. " Why not? " I asked.

" I couldn't end someone life. Especially the person I was told to take care of. " He said. I look at him startled.

" What do you mean? " I asked confused.

" Because I am your knight. I shouldn't let you die. I need to protect you. " He said. I suddenly feel weak. My knees are shacking causing me to fall on the floor.

" So where have you been? I really need someone to hold on. It was so hard. Why does it take you so long to help me? " I cried. He knees down in front of me and wiped away my tears. He hold both of my hand and cares it gently.

" I am so sorry I was late. I've been looking for you too. Please just hold on one more time. Just within the right time, I will come into your life and be with you. Please stay.. " He said. As he look at me and continue..

" Wait for me to walk into your life and change your miserable life.. "

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