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I was rushing to my work place. Somehow after school I'm so tired so I fall asleep and woke up so late.

" I'm sorry boss I was late! " I said right after I went in the kitchen. I look at the person in front of me surprised.

" Daniel? " I was frozen seeing him here. What is he doing here?

" Hi Woonie! I don't know you work here. Wow what a coincident. " He said while rubbing his own neck.

" Since when you work here? I never see you before. " I asked.

" Oh yeah! I start 3 days ago. And I never see you too so I don't know that you are my partner. " He said. He was right. I get off day for 3 days.

My boss said that the others need to train new kids which is my partner. So they give me off day..

I keep my things inside my locker.

I was about to change when Daniel open the door. I almost scream.

" Oh! I'm so sorry! By the way, before we start, boss wanted to see us. " He said without looking at me then close the door back.

I immediately get to changed and follow Daniel to our boss office.

" Oh both of you come in! " He call us. Daniel and me look at each other before stepping forward.

" Okay. So I change your position from kitchen duties to waiters duties. Make sure you greet the costumers nicely. " He said.

I was frozen for a second..

No I couldn't do it. I don't want to be waitress. I don't know how to greet them. I don't know how to smile and stuff like that. And plus I always feel anxious if I see a lot of people. But I couldn't fight back my boss.

How am I supposed to do this?

We leave the office and I already saw a lot of people entering the cafe.

I could feel my hand are shaking and my knees feel so weak. My head feel so dizzy.

Just about the time, Daniel hald my hand and pull me to our rest room.

" You should take a rest. Just now at school you dont look so good. Just rest. I will cover your part. " He said.

I shook my head as I stand up.

" I'm okay Daniel. Work is work. " I said then walk out.

I look at the dining area which it's full of people. My heart ache seeing these people.

I take a deep breath and went to menu area to take the menu and start putting them on the table.

This cafe using the system where the costumers write their own order and we will pick the order and deliver them.

I stand on the door to open it for the next costumers to enter. But then I saw a bunch of boys which are my classmates.

My hand are sweating and shaking.

Then I felt a soft hand touching my hand and push me back slowly as he covered me with his body.

" Hi guys! Welcome to D'night!! " Daniel said cheerfully. The boys look at him and greet him back. Daniel show them their seat and talk with them a little before walking back to me.

" I will take care of them. Just continue your work with others. " Daniel said as he cares my hair before leaving me there. I could feel my face are burning.

I don't know but the way he cover me from them just now really make me feel safe. I feel so shy.


I was about to leave when I felt Daniel hold my hand. I turned to him and caught he keep staring at my hand. I pulled away.
" What? " I asked.

He smiled and look at me back.

" Let me send you home. " He said. I shook my head. " No need. I can walk home alone. " I refused.

When I walk away, I saw him standing beside me and following me.

" What are you doing? " I asked him. " Come on, let's walk together. We can talk about things. " He said.

I stopped.

" What do you want from me? " I asked. As he stop as well. " What do you mean? I just want to be your friend. " Daniel said

I really don't know what I need to tell him to stay away from me. I don't want to hurt him like I did to my brother.

" Trust me. You don't want to be my friend. Please stay away. " I said, wanted to walk away but...

" Why do you hate me? " He asked.

My heart aches so bad when he asked that. Daniel, I never hate you.. I couldn't never hate you.. I just don't want you to get hurt.
People who always with me get hurt and I don't you to hurt too.

You've became my strength since the first time I know you.

I just couldn't let my bad luck hurt you like it hurt my brother.

" No Daniel. I never hate you. I just hate myself. All I want to end is myself now. " I said without looking at him.

I was about to leave when..

" Please don't go.. Please don't hurt yourself again.. "

He hugged me..

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