Chapter 14 Court & Satellites

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Song Of The Day:

Satellite - Tyrone Wells


Liam's POV.

We all were at the court.

I decided I want to Faith to have the best that she wanted for herself.

She need a mum.

I decided to sign off my rights to her.

The girls all hugged her.

The boys all hugged her.

Then it was my turn.....

"I Miss My Dad,

The most.", Faith reply hugging me for the last time.

"Please, Come on tour with us?!", I asked begging.

Faith looked at her mum.

"I guess we could.", Faith's mum reply smiling.

I then started to hug Faith tight.

I never wanted to lose Faith as my daughter.

The boys knew how much she met to me.

Faith was my everything!

I want her back, but I can't!

What would happen after tour?!

Would the girls hate me?

Brittney's POV.

I was skyping Josh on my computer.

Five Seconds Of Summer Were All In The Room Too.

"Hey Josh.", I reply waving at the camera.

"Hey, Bree, What's up?", Josh asked/reply.

"Oh, Just want to tell you that Faith's mum has full custody of her, but she still traveling on tour with us with her mum.

We also had our first show in New York!", I reply cheerfully.

"Oh, That's great!", Josh reply.

"Look, Bree, I have to go, my mum's making me clean my room and go through my stuff so anything I don't use goes to charity.", Josh reply.

"Ok, Bye.", I reply skyping off.

"Is That Your Boyfriend?", Calum asked.

"For Your Information, That's Non Of Your Business.", I reply shitting down my computer and locking it so no one stalked my stuff.

"Oh, Somebody's Got A Boyfriend!", Micheal reply laughing.

I then grabbed my things, and walked out of the kitchen.

"You Know You Could Do Better!", Calum reply that made me turned around to face him.

"You Do Realize If I Ever Dumb I Guy For You That Would Be The Biggest Mistake I Would Ever Make!", I snapped at Calum.

"At least I'm not that ugly like you whose a totally slut and stupid enough to date a boy that obviously doesn't want to talk to you for at least 1 minute.

That why you act like a total Bitch!

", Calum snapped back.

Fresh Tears rolled down my cheeks, and I ran out of the room about to break down.

I Can't Believe He Just Said That!

I slammed my room shut, and slide down to the floor crying.

I didn't want to share a room with everyone if Faith's mum was here.

Look After You (An One Direction Adoption Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora