Chapter 53 Memory Lost

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Song Of The Day:

My Immortal - Evanescence


Brittney's POV.

Tonight, The boys had a concert, and I was going to cut!

When they left I snuck in Louis' room, and found the razors.

I grabbed the red on, and started to cut in my bathroom.

I heard someone's voice calling my name.

And I everything went black.

Luke's POV.

I went looking for Brittney, and found the most WORST terrifying imagine...

She was bleeding a lot from fresh cuts she made and was passed out on the floor.

Damn, It was a lot of blood that wouldn't stop.

I told the boys told called ONE DIRECTION as we drove to the hospital.

Brittney laid in the hospital bed.

She was so pale.

Louis ran in and sat by her bed.

I explained everything to Louis.

Louis started to cry a lot with the other boys.

Brittney's POV.

I think I heard Louis crying, but my eyes wouldn't open.

It's like I forgot everyone.

I opened my eyes finally to a crying Louis, but everything else and everyone was nothing I could think of.

Who are they?!

Where am I?!

"Brittney?!", Louis screamed hugging me.

"Who are you?", I asked concerned.

Who was this guy hugging me.


You have to know me.

I'm your dad....", this strange guy reply.

"Sorry?...", I reply more as a question.

Louis' POV.

She didn't know who we were?!

A doctor came in and explain that she cut to much and lost too much blood, and that cause the blood lost to lost her memory.

Jordan, Dawson, and the girls walked in.

She only remember them....


Because of stupid me I had to cancel the concert.

We took Brittney to the tour bus.

Luke was hurt with all of us.

She didn't know him.

The only normal person she remember was Calum and Micheal.

Ashton and Luke were talking with us at the coffee table.

Calum was braiding Brittney's hair on the floor.

Luke then thought of an idea to get her to remember us.

Perform for her.

Luke and the rest of Five Seconds Of Summer started to perform for her "She Looks So Perfect."

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