3K Special! Sans and Reader meets Others!

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Yeah, I know I haven't been updating (blame quotev for that) and I'm sorry but I want to say THANK YOU for the 3K views! It's like an early birthday gift! Anyways, I will be working on the Geno x demon reader part 2 after this and I almost forgot to trace the cover... Great... Anyways, let's go potato chipzers!

"C'mon sans! Hurry up!" You whined as the lazy skeleton who was your boyfriend (yes you read right.) was walking slowly and lazily to you. You groaned and went to him, grabbed his hand and ran. He was caught by surprise and his eyesockets widened. "KITTEN! SLOW DOWN!" You were running at full speed, failing to notice a portal that opened on the ground. "I won't! We will be laaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE!" You yelled after you tripped and fell with sans. You dropped to the ground, sans falling beside you. You both passed out after hearing groans, gasps and more sounds.

You groaned as you were shook by, what you assumed, small hands. You opened one of your eye and saw sans? He looks... Different... "Oh! Your finally awake (y/n)!" He was... Smaller? "Oh hi there, glad your awake (y/n)." You looked beside you and saw another sans? He seems... Very artistic. You started to panic a little. "no need to panic. Your sans is on the bed right over there!" The artistic skeleton pointed and you saw sans on the other bed, passed out. "W-who are you a-and... How do y-you know m-my name?" "Well I'm ink sans and-" "I'm little tale sans!" The sans on your stomach said. He looked so cute. You squealed and put both your hands into his cheeks, him giving you a confused look which made you squeal even more. "AAAA! TOO CUTE!" little blushed. "I-im not cute!" You giggled. "Anyways, how did we end up here?" "Well, you guys suddenly fell out of a portal and landed here. This is the void, a hang out spot for us. There are some alternative versions of you and sans here. For example, I'm an alternate version of him and-" "Hi there inky!" You saw a very artistic you run to ink. "This is one of the alternate version of you." The other you hugged ink. You sat up after putting little down. He ran out of a door. "Oh! Your awake!" The you with ink said. You chuckled nervously. "It's kind of weird to see another me, like I'm looking into a mirror but the me in the mirror has a different attire and a whole new set of personalities." "You'll get used to it. We'll show you around! Just wake your sans and we'll get going!" Her and ink waited beside the door as you shook sans. "Hey sansy! Wake up!" He grumbled and looked the other way. You puffed out your cheeks and sighed. He's as lazy as always. You got your airhorn. The other skeleton and human looked confused. You always did this when sans doesn't wake up. You pushed the button on the airhorn. The sound alerting everyone in the room and out of the room except for you. Sans jumped and fell off of the bed, eye flaming blue. You let go of the button as many different sanses and yous came rushing in the room just to laugh or sent worried glances at sans who was at the floor, calming down after a heart attack. "Huff.. huff.k-kitten... We talked about.... This..." Sans said, still huffing. You laughed as he got up and glared at you playfully. "Oh. It's on." You widened your eyes and ran,grin still glued to your face. Sans ran after you, teleporting from time to time. The others were either rooting for someone,was confused or was just watching. Sans finally caught you to you and tackled you, tickling you. You laughed and desperately tried to push him off but no avail. You both laughed as the others smiled or grunted. Sans finally got off of you and you breathed and tried to stop laughing. Sans smirked. You finally stopped and stood up and punching sans playfully on the shoulder. "Do you do this Everytime?" One of the sanses asked and you both nodded. Some squealed, smirked, smiled, too many reactions. You both faintly blushed. Ink introduced both of you to all the different guys. Just then, you faintly heard the Nyan cat theme. You and sans were confused as the others were staring at the door wide eyed. They ran out, both of you following. You didn't saw the living room fully as a door broke down and you saw a flash of rainbow,pink,black, brown and stars go by. "Oh... Not again..." Nightmare facepalmed. "What was that all about?" Before error can speak, you heard the sounds of a window being broken. You all checked it out and saw that the window was indeed broken. You Al went outside. The surroundings was still black. You still saw rainbow flashes and a Nyan cat theme was so loud. You got dizzy because the figure just kept running in circles around the mansion. Blueberry put his hand in the way and somehow grabbed the figure by the shoulder. You got a closer look. They were a girl with black hair that reached down to the middle of her back and eyes but there was hints of brown on them. She wore a pink shirt with a black tuxedo? She wore black leggings and brown boots. Her eyes were stars and you saw a small pink pig on her top hat. It also had starry eyes. "OHMYGOSHIMNOTUPDATINGISHOULDWORKONTHECHAPTERAAAAAA*CENSORED*LOOKSSOCUTEANDILIKEHIMANDIGOTTAGOPLAYMINECRAFTANDIFORGOTTOWATCHYOUTUBECHOCOLATESAREMYFAVANDALSOICECREAMTOOILOVEPINKINEEDTOWORKONMYAUQUICKLYIWONTGOTOSCHOOLTOMMOROWIWANNALEARNHOWTOPLAYTHEPIANOANDHOWTODANCEINEEDSOMEONETOEXPLAINWHATLIFEMEANSINEEDCUDDLESINEEDTOFEEDMYPIGS!" You didn't quite get what she said but she tried to get the sanses and yous to let go of her. Man was she strong, even seraphim sans was getting dragged. Actually, everyone was trying and you and sans too. You were all still getting dragged quickly. "WhY doooeS shE goTta hAve SuugaR rusH3$?" Error asked. "Who is she?" Sans asked. "That is Choco. She is an author and she lives with us. She is really shy but is really funny and childish but when she eats too many chocolate and ice cream, she sure is a handful." Outer said. "How many times does this happen?" "This happens almost everyday homie!" Fresh said. In the distance, you saw a wood stand that is painted with pink,blue and orange. It was filled with pigs that looked like the one on top of Choco's head. When she got close, she threw a lot of mysterious pink glowing orbs in and ran back to the house. She was getting tired and passed out along with the pig. A cloud appeared and caught her,slowly floating. "Oh yeah, forgot to mention, she has powers but she seems to be hiding something but we don't really know what." Ink said. Everybody went back into the house. Dream was pushing the cloud in the house. You touched the cloud and it was like as light as air! Even with Choco on it! Dream kept pushing and went out of her room after pushing the cloud there. You looked around. The living room was massive! It had 10 long couches, it fitting snuggly. A wide screen TV, a box that can fit a person in it that has words written on it, the words being 'Shame Box'. There was also a doorway to the kitchen. There was an elevator and stairs leading up. There was also a few papers scattered around, it being filled with drawings or words. Geez, isn't it messy in here? You sat on the couch as sans talked with the others after giving you a peck on the cheek which you blushed at. You felt another weight on the couch and saw neko sans! AWWW! He was so kawaii! You let his ears, him purring and leaning to your touch. He snuggled on your hand. A (fur color) cat sat beside sans. It transformed and it was a neko you! You pet them both, squealing silently. After a while, they both fell asleep, snuggling with each other. The cuteness was too much! "Heh. You alright there kitty?" You saw sans beside you. You hugged him, trying to not crush his bones. "They are so cute!" You squealed as he chuckled. You pulled away and held hands with him. You then heard skateboard noises. You saw fresh sans and fresh you with skateboards. "Yo wassup bacon? Wanna go sk8ing with your radical bros?" Fresh you said. You smiled. "Okay!" You and sans both got on sk8 boards as you four sk8d around the entire house. You all raced, you drifting in your thoughts. You crashed on fell. "WHAT THE F-" fell you covered his mouth and smiled kindly. She helped the both of you up. "Sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." "It's okay." Fell you said. Fell sans sighed and smiled softly at her. They went on their way. You gave the sk8 boards back to the freshies and tried to find sans. It was kinda hard seeing that everybody looks like him, well, not everybody but you know what I mean. You saw some more couples on the way. You saw a crowd on the table. You stood on your tippy toes and saw sans, who was chugging ketchup with fell sans who was chugging mustard. It seems like they were in a competition where you find out who chugs the most. Both of them had equally chugged the same amount of condiments though. You sighed and and smiled. You let them do their thing. You went upstairs and explored. Choco's room opened and you saw her looking groggy. She rubs her eyes. "U-ugghhh..." She looked at you and straightened herself. "O-oh! Original (y-y/n)! Your here! U-ummm..." She fiddled with her long sleeves. "Hey!" You greeted. She smiled. You noticed that she didn't have her rainbow stuff on her anymore and she was wearing long sleeves instead of the tuxedo. "S-sorry for d-dragging you into the m-mess I w-w-was earlier. I ate too much Chocolate." She rubbed the back of her neck. You walked in front of her. "Say, what do you usually do?" "I just laze around. I read s-stories too!" You both talked, her shyness going away as time passed by. You both went downstairs. You saw sans on the couch, sleeping away while the others are doing their thing. "It was fun talking to you (y/n) but I gotta go!" She smiled at me and disappeared. You sat beside sans and tried to cuddle him. He opened one eyesocket and smiled at you. You looked at him with pleading eyes. He already knew what you wanted. He sighed a contented one as he cuddled with you. You leave on his chest and after a while, you both fell asleep.

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