Sans x skeleton cat monster reader

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Request by Thewreched!!! Enjoy! :3 (later in the flashback, Spoiler! gaster already fell,Chara and asriel was already killed and sans didn't really help alphys in the lab anymore)

Your pov

You exited mettaton's hotel. You need to go and do some shopping. Your running out of food and even if you are a skeleton, ya still need to eat. You went to the river person. "Tra la la~ hello there (y/n)! Where do you want to go today?" "To Snowdin please!" You hopped on as the boat goes. You sat down and looked at your reflection.

(What you look like. It's not the best example but... Meh)

You smiled. "Tra la la~ eat a mushroom everyday~" you tilted your head in confusion. "Why? So I know that you are listening to me." You came back to your sitting position and hummed with the river person.

You finally arrived. You hopped off. "Tra la la~ come again sometime (y/n)!" River person said and went off to probably pick up some more monsters. You walked to the store, greeting a few monsters on the way. You hummed as you entered the shop. "Hello there fellow monster! What can I get for ya?" "Can I please get some milk,carrots,flour,oil,eggs,fish and sugar?" "Sure. Wait here" the bunny said as she went to the back. You sat on a chair and waited. .... "Here ya go!" She said and handed you the items. You put them all in the bag you are carrying. "That'll be 26g please" you paid and waved goodbye, your tail swishing side to side. You looked outside and you saw the monsters gone. Huh? You walked back to the river person. Oh right, he wasn't there. Just then, a small gush of wind blew as you stumbled. A snowstorm? Great... You walked, your teeth chattering,your tail and other arm wrapped around you and your ears were laying flat on your skull. You trudged through the snow, the storm getting worse. Another strong gush of wind knocked you over. The snow rained furiously as you tried to stand up. You can't. Your foot is stuck in a root of a tree and you can't get it out. Even if you are a skeleton, you can still feel cold. Logic right? You panted as you tried your hardest to get your foot free. Your vision was getting covered by black spots. You fainted.

Sans's pov

I looked at the window. The snow storm was raging. Papyrus really wanted to go and look for humans but this storm hits. He was disappointed but he smiled and made some spaghetti anyways. I saw a figure walking. Why are they outside? Shouldn't they stay on their house? The figure collapsed. I watched as they struggled and then stopped.  Did they faint? Well, the snowstorm IS strong. I sighed. They must be cold. I went outside. I narrowed my eyesockets to see through the fog. I saw the figure shivering. I went over to them. They are a skeleton cat? Huh. Never seen those before. They were carrying a bag full of groceries. I tried to carry them but they were stuck. I saw the root and carefully destroyed it with a bone. I carried them and stumbled back home. I opened the door and quickly shut it. "SANS! DID YOU GO OUTSIDE? YOU KNOW THAT IT IS DANGEROUS!" I set the skeleton on the couch. I finally notice that they were a girl. "SANS W- OH!" papyrus saw her and ran upstairs and came back with a blanket. He draped it over her. "THIS POOR MONSTER! THEY MUST BE FREEZING! I WILL WARM THEM UP WITH THE GREAT PAPYRUS'S SPAGHETTI WHEN THEY WAKE UP!" he said and ran back to the kitchen. I sat down at an empty spot on the couch. This is different. I haven't seen her in any of the timelines before. I sighed and watched the pink and black bolts dance in the TV while paps cooks his spaghetti.


Your pov

You grunted. You felt yourself laying on something soft. You nuzzled and realized that it was a pillow. You opened your eyesockets closing them again due to the bright light. You sat up while rubbing your eyes. You opened them to see a living room. "Heya kiddo." You squeaked. Your tail and ears were up. You got off the couch, summoning a bone in hand and pointing it at the one who spoke. "Thats not how you greet the one who saved you from the snowstorm. Shake my hand." The skeleton said and stuck out his hand. You were cautious as you looked at him warily which he didn't really care about. You shook his hand.

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