"Sorry Uncle Demos!" They muttered in unison.

"Demos calm down it isn't good for your heart" said Fiona Theora's Mama trying to calm him down.

"That's it party over its past twelve. I don't want the neighbors to call the cops like last year. Everyone who lives nearby go home everyone else the drivers are waiting to take you to the hotel outside" Demos ordered and with that the party started to disperse.

"Oh Nicky!" said Odelle "baby you okay"

"I'm fine Mama"

"The boys were just playing Odelle" Leon assuring her

"I'm sorry for all this Leon" Demos apologised

"No no it was all in good fun" Leon waved it off

"It's cold out why don't we all go inside and have a cup of tea" suggested Fiona "Theora take Nicholas to the wash room to get cleaned up"

Theora led Nicholas to the nearest downstairs bathroom.

"I'm sorry I left you alone. I didn't realise they'd go this far" Theora said holding the towel for him as he washed his face.

"Theora it's okay you hadn't seen Carmen in a long time I understand plus the boys were just playing" Nicholas said grabbing the towel and wiping his face.

"Your whole suit is a mess" Theora started swatting away the dust from his suit.

"Theora stop it's no use. I'll just take it off" he said holding her hand in order to stop her. It was like a jolt of electricity went through the both of them as their hands connected, their eyes fixated on each other boring into each other's soul. Unknowingly they found themselves moving closer. Theora gazed down at Nicholas' lips before her eyes dreamily went back up to meet his. Nicholas moved in dangerously closer only being inches apart Theora felt her eyes close as their lips were about to connect.

"One minute Christos I have to peeeeeee!!!" Carmen burst into the bathroom catching them mid kiss. Theora gasped backing away from Nicholas as he looked around nervously.

"Oh" Carmen managed to say "Umm I'll wait outside"

"We better go" Theora said feeling herself heat up.

"Yeah" Nicholas said removing his suit and opening the door of the bathroom to go out.

Carmen was standing by the door trying to cover her giggles with her hand as Nicholas passed. Theora glared at her sister angrily crossing her arms over her chest.

"What! You could've locked the door" Carmen laughed "well atleast I know now Yaiyai was overreacting as always from what I saw in their you were more than welcoming to Nicholas' advances"

"You know what once that baby is born I'm going to bombard it with sugar so it's runs around all hyped up driving you crazy and I'm going to buy it loud toys that will annoy you day and night" Theora threatened

"Fine from the looks of it, it won't be long before you have a little one and guess what Tiny karma's a bitch" countered Carmen. Theora gave her the Not-Another-Word look.

"I have to pee" Carmen said hurrying into the bathroom "Christos and I are going home after this so I guess it's goodbye as well" she added before closing the door. Theora sighed loudly shaking her head making her way to the main living room where the family probably was.

The main living room was rather large with long curved sofas in a semi circle in the centre that could fit thirty people at once.

Theora took a seat next to Nicholas as Demos and Leon were chatting away happily while Odelle and Fiona were sharing the latest gossip and Yaiyai being Yaiyai sat alone with a stern look on her face.

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