Chapter 16

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Tris keeps breathing heavily, trying to calm herself. She's making it worse instead.
"It's just a simulation, Tris," I say.
She doesn't look at me. She just nods and closes her eyes. I can tell that the last sim had a bigger impact on her, than most. I pay more attention to her behavior, now. I need to know if she's...that. I feel that if I think the word, it will set off an alarm. Tris falls into the simulation. This will determine it.
She is in darkness. The image is black, so for a second, I think something is broken. I see an orb light up in front of Tris. All of the initiates are standing around her. They have their arms folded. They stand like statues.
Tris is in a glass box. Everyone around her is watching her sit in a glass box. She starts to panic. Then, I see me. I'm pointing at her, smirking. I look like I'm enjoying this. Is that how she sees me? Focus!
Water starts to fill the box. She doesn't notice at first. She's staring at me and the initiates. She finally notices, when her feet are soaked. She looks at me again. I can tell that she wants me to save her, like I did at the Ferris wheel. Sim Four shrugs and joins the crowd.
The water rises faster and faster. It's at her ankles. She pounds on the glass.
"Hey! Let me out of here!"
The water is at her calves. She hits the glass again.
"Get me out of here!"
She stares at Christina, who is whispering something to Peter. They laugh. So far, no signs of... Divergence.
The water is almost at her waist. She is screaming and throwing herself at the glass. She needs to calm herself down.
"Help! Please help!"
She sees her friend Will and stops banging on the glass. My mind wants to question why, but I focus on any signs.
She takes a deep breath, as the water has her at the roof of the box. She tries to stay calm, but it doesn't stick. She won't come out, unless she calms herself.
She tries to kick the glass but nothing happens. She screams, inhaling the water. Tris slams her palm on the glass. Something just happened.
She slams her hand again.
She kicks the glass. It shatters.
The water pulls her forward to air. She's awake.
No. No. That's a sign.
I look at her. I try not to show panic, but Tris notices that something is wrong.
"What?" she asks.
"How did you do that?"
"Do what?"
"Crack the glass."
"I don't know." I offer her my hand and pull her up from the chair. She is calm. Too calm. We can't be here for much longer. Too dangerous.
I grab her arm and pull her out of the room. I'm in shock. I stare at her and I see it. I know. I see the Divergence in her eyes. I don't know how, but I do.
"What?" she demands.
"You're Divergent," I reply.
She stares at me. I can hear her heart beating. Now I am one-hundred percent sure. She pretends to be casual and leans on the wall. Her hands are shaking, but I don't think she notices.
"What's Divergent?" Nice try.
"Don't play stupid. I suspected it last time, but this time it's obvious. You manipulated the simulation; you're Divergent. I'll delete the footage, but unless you want to wind up dead at the bottom of the chasm, you'll figure out how to hide it during the simulations! Now, if you'll excuse me." I walk back to the simulation room. I delete the footage. I'm going to have to talk to Max, now.
I have to finish simulations. The last one is Uriah. I call him in and he raises his hand for me to high-five him. I just look at him and close the door.
"You left me hanging, man!"
"Don't be Zeke," I say without looking at him.
I start the simulation. Uriah's hands are already sweating. He did great yesterday, so I don't know why. I inject him and he closes his eyes.
He is standing by the chasm. He starts to get nervous. He tries to step away from the chasm, but his feet don't move. Uriah almost panics but he breathes before he has the chance. He looks up and sees Eric standing in front of him. On one side of Eric, is Max. On the other side, is another Dauntless leader. I don't know his name, but he is frightening. They all take a step closer to Uriah, making him back up. Uriah stands closer to the chasm. He takes deep breaths. The leaders force him to back up farther. He is only two steps away from falling to his death.
Uriah takes one more step backwards. He is about to fall. Then, something strange happens. He stands up straight and walks through Eric. Eric disappears. Max and the other leader turn to face Uriah.
Uriah crouches down to the floor and screams. The second he stands back up, both of them are gone.
Uriah wakes up.
I'm staring at him with wide eyes. He's Divergent.
"I know that you know, Four." He already knows of his Divergence. He must've heard of this. He was born a Dauntless, so he knows how to act.
"I tried. I tried to fight it. Please don't send in that sim." I'm still staring at him. I nod slowly. I turn around and delete the footage.
I prepared myself for Tris, but Uriah? How could Uriah be Divergent?
"I want do this again. You won't have to protect me. I will handle this. I'm sorry." I'm still surprised. For the first time, I see the characteristics in him. He walks out of the room, without saying anything. I won't report this. I know Uriah won't let this happen again. It doesn't matter that he's Divergent. It doesn't seem to be as strong in him. This isn't good.
I walk to the Pit. I'm will probably find Max there. I see Tris walking out of the tattoo parlor. By the looks of her face, I don't think she got a tattoo. I remember that Tori works there. Her brother died a few years back. Tris got some help. That's good. She's not as lucky as Uriah, though. It's stronger in her. I see it. My heart drops to my stomach. I won't let her die.
I won't.
I sit in Max's office. I came up with an excuse before I left.
"Is there a problem, Four?" He sits with good posture and strong eye contact.
"No. I wanted to inform you of two misreads in the simulations, today. It was nothing to worry over. Nothing dangerous."
"Good. Proceed."
"The simulations belonged to Tris Prior and Uriah Pedrad. I first, injected Tris, but the injection seemed to cause her to be ill. Her illness prevented me from being able to clearly read her simulation, so I was forced to delete the footage. She was the first subject of my new supply of serums. Because of the events, I felt that it was unsafe to inject my last initiate with my only supply. I dismissed him."
"I see," Max says with his eyes narrowed. He leans in closer. I can tell that he is trying to detect any lies, but I show no signs. He sits back, normally.
"Thank you for letting me know. I will be sure to inform my fellow leaders." I nod and stand up to leave. Before I open the door, Max calls my name.
"And Four?" I worry for a moment.
"Please reconsider your decision of job transfer." I nod. I won't be a leader. I didn't even want to stay here, but I had a feeling that I needed to stay for something. I know now that I need to stay for someone.
I close the door behind me and walk back to my dorm. I don't sleep. I stay up all night, thinking. All of my thoughts narrow down to one thing:
I will not let Tris die.
(A/N): What did you think? I am kind of proud of this chapter. What was your favorite part?

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