Chapter 7

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(A/N): It's almost 3:00 am and I'm still writing! I love Four! He's amazing. I hope I'm not making him sound to stalkerish! Anyway... Here's a shot of Four talking to Tris before a fight...I think.
I wake up at 7:00am. The train will arrive at 8:15. I change and head to the tracks. I'm not hungry. I still feel a little sick from thinking about Tris's fight. I sit by the tracks until I hear rumbling from footsteps. I stand up and move towards the tracks. I feel the wind against my face. Tris is the last initiate to get here. I can't blame her. I would be a little slow if I had the beatings that she got. I have been slow from that before. I faced it my entire childhood. I let a few people get on the train before I do. Tris jogs by the train. I step forward to reach for her hand, but Al reaches out first. He pulls her up and she fakes a smile. I see Peter bring back his evil smile that I recognize from the fight.
"Feeling okay there?" He does a puppy-dog face to mock her slight vulnerability. "Or are you a little...Stiff?"
Peter and his entourage laugh hysterically.
We are all awed by your incredible wit," Will interrupts. Christina steps up.
"Yeah, are you sure you don't belong in Erudite, Peter? I hear they don't object to sissies." I see Peter coming up with a comeback, but I interrupt before he has the chance.
"Am I going to have to listen to your bickering all the way to the fence?" Everyone quiets down and I turn to the doorway. I plant my feet and lean outside of the train. I like to feel the wind on my face. I feel a burning sensation on my hand and then my arms. It follows up my back. I know that Tris is looking at me. It only lasts for a second. When she looks away, I feel cold. She looks back at me and looks away. She does this a few times. I don't even see her. I just know. It's like her eyes are lasers. I feel the cold again. I hear her deep voice talking to Christina, but I can't make out what she's saying. The wind is too loud. We slow down, as we reach the fence. The train stops and everyone jumps off.
"Follow me," I say. I lead them to the gate.
"If you don't rank in the top five by the end of initiation, you will probably end up here. Once you are fence guard, there is some potential for advancement, but not much. You may be able to go on patrols beyond amity farms, but-"
"Patrols for what purpose?" Will interrupts.
I lift my shoulder.
"I suppose you'll discover that if you find yourself amongst them. As I was saying, for the most part, those who guard the fence when they are young continue to guard the fence. If it comforts you, some of them insist that it's not as bad as it seems. Christina whispers something to Tris.
"What rank were you?" Peter asks. I am hesitant to answer.
"I was first." Tris looks surprised. I don't think it's because of my rank.
"And you chose to do this? Why didn't you get a government job?"
"I didn't want one." I feel the burn of Tris's eyes again. She keeps distracting me. I allow the initiates to observe for a few minutes, while I speak to a guard. I flinch at the voice of an Amity boy.
I jerk my head to see Tris talking to a blonde-headed boy from Amity. I see why she changed her name. It doesn't suit her. Molly walks up and says a snarky comment. She walks away. Towards the end of their conversation, Tris frowns. The truck that the boy is in drives away.
"Woohoo? Four?" It was the guard I was talking to.
"Watch out! That's your initiate."
"I don't know what you mean."
"You will." I roll my eyes and walk towards Tris.
"I am worried you have a knack for unwise decisions," I say while standing a foot away from her. She crosses her arms.
"It was a two-minute conversation."
"I don't think the smaller time frame makes it any less unwise." I examine her bruised face. I reach out my hand and touch her bruised eye. My finger burns when it touches her skin. It reminds me of the time I helped her during training. I feel her jerk back, but I don't move my hand. I tilt my head and let out a sigh.
"You know, if you could just learn to attack first, you might do better."
"Attack first?" She asks. "How will that help?"
"Your fast. If you can get a few good hits in before they know what's going on, you could win." I drop my hand.
"I'm surprised you know that, since you left halfway through my one and only fight," her words had a sting to them.
"It wasn't something I wanted to watch," I say without thinking. I sense confusion from her. This is awkward. The train approaches and I feel relieved.
"Looks like the train is here. Time to go, Tris." We get on the train and I still feel the burn from her looking at me throughout our conversation. I wish I knew what it was.
(A/N): I feel like this was kind of short and a tad bit boring but I liked the ending. Tell me what you think!!!

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