Chapter 17

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Tris wake up from her simulation. I don't watch the sim; only her. She is beautiful. I don't try to stop myself from recognizing her anymore. There's no point. Besides, I had already seen this sim. She had it yesterday. She was held at gunpoint and forced to shoot her family.
"I know the simulation isn't real," Tris says.
"You don't have to explain it to me. You love your family. You don't want to shoot them. Not the most unreasonable thing in the world."
"In the simulation is the only time I get to see them. I miss them. You ever just...miss your family?"
I don't look at her. I don't want to lie to her, and I don't want to tell her about my past.
"No. I don't. But that's unusual." She doesn't question me.
I've told her nothing about me, and she knows more about me than anyone else I know.
I stare at her, as she walks out. She turns around and looks back. I feel a little embarrassed, but I don't look away. I expect her to leave and not look back, but her eyes sink into mine. I want to say something to her, but my eyes speak for me. I don't even know what they are saying. I feel like we've been staring at each other for hours. Her eyes sink in deeper and deeper. I see the light bouncing off of them. She finally pushes the door open and hurries down the hallway. I want to rush after her, but I walk to the other door, and call in the next initiate. I watch the next simulation, but all I can think about is her eyes.
I finish the simulations and I log out of the computer. I log in again as Four, instead of Instructor.
I immediately search for the rankings. The leaders determined the ranking this time. No cuts were made, but the people who are at the bottom, probably won't make it past stage three.
The first name reads "Tris: 2:45 minute average"
I have to read it again just to reassure myself. She picked herself up from six to one.
The next name is Peter's:
"Peter: 8 minute average"
I laugh and thank God that no one was here to see it.
I don't pay attention to the next couple of names. I look to see who was last- Al. He will probably get cut. He isn't looking too good, right now. I log out and walk out the door with a smile. Tris is first.
I find Zeke and Shauna arguing by the chasm. They are sitting on the ledge and dangling their bare feet to feel the water.
"Arguing by the chasm? Don't kill each other, please," I say in a joking manner.
They both stare at me like I'm insane.
"What?" I demand.
"You are...happy," says Zeke, smiling. I punch his shoulder and he laughs.
"Why are you happy?" Shauna asks, narrowing her eyes.
"Tris ranked first." They both smile and pull me to sit beside them.
"Uriah ranked second by one minute," Zeke says with pride. "What was Tris's average?"
"2:45." Their eyes go wide. "I know." Shauna frowns.
"Were you rooting for someone else, Shaun?" I ask.
"No, but remember Edward? If that's how people felt about ranking below him, how do you think they'll feel ranking below an Abnegation girl?" She has a point. I frown.
"There's something else," Zeke says. I looks at him with confusion in my expression. "No one looks that happy, when their proud of someone."
"I have no clue of what you are referring to," I say.
"Liar!" I forgot that Shauna was a Candor transfer. She squints her eyes and looks at me harder. She gasps. "You and Tris had a moment! Didn't you?"
"Are you okay, Shaun?" I don't know how else to respond.
"You did," Zeke shouts. "You don't have to have Candor skills to know that you are hiding something."
"She looked at me. I looked back. It's just that simple," I say, trying to sound convincing.
"Mmhm," Shauna says. "So why do you remember it, then?" I don't answer her.
"Let's go somewhere else. I'm recalling memories from drinking near the chasm," I suggest. They both laugh and we walk.
We start to approach the area where all of the training rooms are.
"Do you hear that?" I ask.
"Yeah. I think it's coming from one of the training rooms," Zeke replies. We walk into the room where the transfers did shooting practices on the first day. That feels like years ago.
I see Uriah shooting a gun above Marlene's head. Lynn is standing behind him, talking to someone. I can't see who. I walk further out the door and see Tris. I try to act normal.
"I thought I heard something in here," I say.
"Turns our it's my idiot brother," says Zeke. "You're not supposed to be in here after hours. Careful, or Four will tell Eric, and then you'll be as good as scalped. They start to walk out and I step away from the door. Lynn approaches me.
"You wouldn't tell Eric," she says with a look of suspicion.
"No, I wouldn't."
As Tris passes me, I place my hand on the top of her back to usher her out. I feel her shiver at the touch. I don't know if that's good or bad.
Tris starts to follow them out, but I stop her.
"Wait a second." She turns to face me. I don't know what to say. I smile, but I'm still worried that the initiates will hurt her. I speak without thinking.
"You belong here, you know that? You belong with us. It'll be over soon, so just hold on, okay?" I scratch behind my ear and look away. I wish I hadn't said that. She stares at me. My skin burns. I didn't know how much I missed the burn, until I felt it.
She grabs my hand and stares into my eyes. I stare back. My fingers curl around her's and lock. My hand isn't only burning; it has become the wood to the fire. We stay there for a long moment. The whole world around us is gone. She lets go and chases after the others. Does she feel the same way I do?
For the first time, I consider it as an option.
I decide not to stick with Shauna and Zeke. I walk to the fear landscape room. I go through a few times. Four fears. Some things never change. I have to rest for a while before I can leave the room. My last fear is always scarring for me. I can't go through again, tonight. I stare out the window for a while and walk back to my dorm.
I get closer to my dorm, when I hear someone screaming. It was coming from the chasm. I recognize the voice, but I can't tell who it is. I run. While I run, I see someone- Al- running away. Peter is holding Tris over the chasm by her throat. Drew is helping. I shout and run faster. Peter releases Tris. Peter runs. Drew wasn't fast enough. I kick him into the ground. I punch him in the jaw. His mouth is bleeding. Ge grabs my arms and I twist it backwards. His arms snaps and he screams in pain. He tries to kick me, but I, punch him in the gut. He catches his breath and passes out. He has a pulse.
"Four," Tris croaks. Her voice makes my heart break.  I pull her over the railing and I throw her into my arms. Her knees rest under my arm and her head against my chest. She turn her head into my shoulder and falls asleep. My mind isn't processing my flaming body. It's worrying about the body that lays unconscious in my arms.
(A/N): I hope you guys liked the chapter. I tried to bring the fluff. What was your favorite part?

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