6- Meeting Uma

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Penelopi's Pov

I managed to find it and saw them sitting near by. I dashed down and landed with a slight tumble. "Hey guys. Sorry, took a while to find this place." I said and they nodded the Eli gasped. "Lynn, your leg!" She yelled and ran up to me. I looked down and saw blood dripping from the gash.

"Yup. Plus the bruises I'm sure that's forming all over my body. This happened when you fall onto a whole of metal." I explained. Then she started taking her shoe and a sock off. "What are you doing?" I asked confused. "She's gonna use her stocking for a bandage. It's the cleanest thing here." Becky explained as Eli started tying it around my thigh. "Thanks." I said and winced a little as she added pressure.

"No problem." She said with a smile. "Come on. I found a place called Ursula's Fish and chips. I'm guessing Uma is gonna be there." Becky said and I nodded and we started walking.


We walked up to the building. As we walked in, Eli stayed behind me. It seems Uma was telling everyone a story while sitting on a thrown. Everyone was paying really close attention, so most didn't noticed us walking in. So we walked towards a table near them. Eli and Becky sat on the chairs while I sat on the table.

"I was able to go inside Auradon Prep. and found the girls dorm. So I ran in before anyone saw me and went in almost every room. There were rows of dorm rooms, and you should have seen all the jewelry that were in them." Uma explained and they all cheered. "But why didn't you get them?" Becky asked, catching everyone attention.

"Believe it or not, i wasn't snooping in the dorms for that." Uma said. "Then What were you trying to find?" Becky asked while getting up and leaning on the table. "Most likely Mal got her hands on her spell book after I left. So I was trying to find it. To bring you all out and over throw aurodan and take down the barrier!" Uma explained proudly causing everyone to cheer.

Eli's eyes widened as Becky and I looked at each other. "Wait, who are you three?" Uma asked and looked at Eli. "And you look familiar." She continued while getting off the thrown she was sitting on and walking towards us. "I'm Beck." Becky said while standing up. "I'm Lynn and this is Eli." I said while pointing towards her.

"I haven't seen you three around here." I'm said while stopping in front of Becky. "We're usually on the other side of the Isle." Becky explained. "But we got bored so decided to come in over here." I continued. "Why didn't ya tell me any of this?" We turned and saw the man with a hook appear from the crowd.

"Harry, you know these girls?" Uma asked as he stopped next to her. "I happen to bump into them on my way here." He said and looked over at me. "Why'd you leave me so soon, love? I could have patched you up." He said with a wink. "Sorry, Captain, But I was ichin to swing by." I said while jumping off the table.

He slightly blushed and looked away. "Uuummaaa!" We all turned and saw this broad blonde with brown eyes, torn burnt orange tank top, an orange sleeveless leather jacket, ripped blue jeans with brown details, brown boots, yellow bandana, brown and black bands, a bronze bull necklace, a brown bull belt, yellow fingerless gloves, golden skull rings, bronze, black and gold bracelets.

"What is it, Gil?" Uma asked while turning towards him. "Gil." I heard Becky mutter. I looked up at her and my eyes. Her eyes were wide, she was stiff and she was a blushing mess. A mischievous smile appear on me. "Woah, Becky, do you like that Villain kid?" I whispered. "W-What?!" She almost yelled.

"Mal and the others are here again." The Gil guy said and our eyes widened. I turned towards the others to see them shocked too. "Who does she think she is coming back here?!" Uma yelled angrily. "Get your swords everyone. They aren't leaving alive this time." Uma said causing everyone to cheer and raise their swords up.

Then she turned towards us. "Wanna join?" She asked with a smirk. I looked at Eli and Becky then at Uma and nodded. Uma's smirk got wider and turned back around. "Harry, Gil! Get them swords." Uma commanded and walked away.

Harry and Gil walked towards us and gave us swords. "Here ya go, Love." Harry said while placing the sword in my hand and kissing it. I pulled away and stuck my tongue out, causing him to chuckle.

Rebecca's Pov

Gil handed me two swords. "Gil, Son of Gaston. Here you are, m'lady." He said with a grin, causing me to blush but then my eyes widened at the realization. "Uh Thanks." I said while walking away from him and handing one to Eli. "Rebecca, are we really going to fight Mal and the others?" Eli asked, scared. "Of course not. We're done here. We can leave." I whispered and held her hand.

"Lynn-" "YEA!" Lynn yelled while raising her sword in the air. "Yea!" Harry yelled with a chuckle while raising his sword. They laughed at each other and walked out of the restaurant. I growled but saw a hand held in front of me. "Come on." Gil said with the sweetest smile I've seen. I blushed but looked away and stomped outside.


We were all on a ship where Mal, Carlos, Evie, Jay, Loni, and Ben were at. "Why did you come back?" Uma asked darkly. "We don't want to fight Uma. We're just here to-" "You don't want to fight? Well you came to the wrong place." Uma said and charged towards Mal with her sword, which caused everyone to start sword fighting.

I looked around, trying to find Lynn. "What's wrong?" I turned and saw Gil. "Nothing." I said and looked around again. "Come on, you're missing out on the fun." He said. I looked over at him again and saw his cute smile. "Or do you not want to fight?" He asked confused with a head tilt.

'He's so cute!!!' "Actually no, I don't know what my friend was thinking when she agreed." I said while crossing my arms. "Then you can give me your swords. You don't need to fight if you don't want to." He said sweetly. "You're..... actually nice. Why?" I asked confused.

"My dad said that you have to be the best man you can be for the women you want as your wife." He said and I felt my face turn red. "W-What?!" Eli and I yelled. "So, you like Becky?" Eli asked while standing in front of me. "Yea, but i don't know her that well." He said while rubbing the nape of his neck.

My eyes widened a bit but i saw a figure running towards us with a sword. I glared at the figure as I pushed Gil away and blocked with the sword. My eyes widened at the attacker. "Ben?""Becky?" We both asked in an almost whisper. We jumped away from each other and he looked behind me.

"Elizabeth?!" He almost yelled, which caught the attention of Uma. "What?" She asked in a growl. She glared at Eli and walked towards us. "You're the daughter of my mothers enemy, aren't you?!" She yelled. Eli's eyes widened in fear as Uma got closer to her but was interrupted by Mal. "Hey, I'm your enemy, not her." She said while raising her sword. "So is she." Uma said with a smirk.

"Bring her to me!" Uma yelled causing some pirates to run towards her. Eli dropped her sword and started running around the ship. "Rebecca, why did you come here? And bringing Elizabeth? What were you thinking?" Ben scolded me. "Rebecca? You're King Ben's twin!" Gil realized.

My eyes widened. "I have a crush on an Auradon kid?" He asked himself. "I'm sorry. I actually did like you Gil." I said while dropping my sword, grabbing Ben's wrist and running away. Then I heard a male scream. We stopped and turned. Harry just got slashed on the leg by Carlos.

"Harry!" Lynn called out while running towards him. "We need to leave!" I told Ben. "We can't, Uma's crew is blocking all exits." He said. "Rebecca!" I turned and saw Eli still running away from 2 men from Uma's crew. "This is too much!" I yelled while grabbing my head.

"Wait, I got a plan." I said and grabbed Ben's wrist. "Grab everyone's hand." I told him and I started running around as everyone grabbed hands. We stopped as Uma and her crew surrounded us. "No where to run now." She said with a dark smirk.

"That's what you think." I said with a smirk then looked over at Gil. He looked at me sadly. "I wish we were back at Auradon." I said then we started getting surrounded by sparkles. "What?! No!!" I heard Uma yell until our environment changed to my room.

"Wow that was a close one." Jay said while falling on Lynn's bed, but I didn't hear Lynn yell at him. "Wait... where's Penelopi?" I asked while looking around. She wasn't here.

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