4- I Dont Know What to Call It

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Penelopi's Pov

We got the things we needed ready. "Alright, that should be it. Let's go." I said excitedly and started flying towards the door but felt Becky grab my hoodie. "We're not going today. Tomorrow's Friday so we won't go until then." She said while letting go. "Aw why?" I asked.

"Obviously there's school. We can't just ditch school. People might get worried or suspicious and try to find us. If we go tomorrow after school, we'll have the weekend to investigate and no one will worry since they'll think we went to Neverland or something." She explained, which made me pout. "Actually, we probably shouldn't go until Saturday. I don't know how hard it'll be to find a place to sleep since we'll have about half the day if we leave after school. Carlos did write about a lot of people pocket picking and we don't want to loose our stuff while we're sleeping on the streets." She muttered to herself.

"Carlos! I forgot I have to give him some Pixie Dust." I said while flying towards my drawer. "Oh yea, I heard you bribed him with some. Why does he need it?" She asked while as I put a generous amount of dust in a sack and tied the end of it.

"For a date with Jane. He wants to take her flying with the stars. Ya know, like Aladdin and Jasmine or whatever." I explained. "Awe that's pretty cute." She said as I just shook my head in disgust. "Whatever. I'll be back." I said while heading towards the door.

"Don't fly or else FG might see you." Becky called out. "You're right. I'll just go through the window then. I can fly from here to Carlos's room quick. See ya." I said while flying through the window.


I tapped on the covered window of Jay and Carlos's room. I quickly looked around for FG then heard the window open. I quickly flew in and turned to who opened it. "Woah, hi to you too Lynn." Jay said a bit startled. "Sorry, can't get caught flying by FG again. Anyways, where's Carlos?" I asked while looking around.

"He went to find Jane to talk about a date he's planning." He said and his eyes seemed to land at my left hand. I looked down and forgot I had the dust there. I quickly put it in my pocket. "Well then, I'll go look for him. Bye." I said and flew past him but felt a hand around my ankle.

"Hey Hey Hey, What was that?" He asked with a smirk. "What was what?" I asked innocently. "You can't fool me Pan. Come on, I saw that." He said causing me to sigh. I was about to say something but the door opened. We both looked over and saw Carlos and Dude.

"Carlos!" "Lynn!" We both said and Jay was confused as his grip loosened. I quickly flew in front of Carlos. "Here, for giving me that list." I whispered while quickly giving him the sack. "Thanks, I really appreciate it. But, you aren't going to the Isle right?" He whispered back but I shook my head.

"Of course not. Becky decided we shouldn't go and I lost interest anyways so there's no point." I said and started floating towards the window. I flew passed Jay and took his beanie. "Hey!" He calles out and tried to get it.

I giggled and waved it in front of him. "Give it back!" He said while trying to get it back. "Carlos, keep it away from Jay." I said while throwing it to him. He caught it and I quickly flew out.

~The Next Day~

I was actually sitting at the table patiently as everyone was chatting. "What's wrong Lynn?" Evie asked. "Waiting for Dizzy. She said my flute looked plain so she wanted to decorate it a bit. Just hoping she doesn't go overboard." I said while looking around.

"You mean the flute your dad gave you?" Jay asked and I nodded. "How long you've been waiting?" Evie asked. "Like, 3 days?" I said uncertain. "Oh no. She might have over done it." She said and my eyes widened. "Oh no." I said. "Lyyyynnnn!" I turned and saw Eli and Dizzy running towards us.

I floated up and flew towards them. "Hey guys. Dizzy, are you done with my flute?" I asked a bit scared. She looked nervous and pulled it out from her purse. I got it and looked at it. "Um, you did.... nothing?" I asked confused. "I actually did a lot of design and glitter. But then I remember that that's not really your style. So I just took everything off and cleaned it." She said while looking down.

I looked up at her and grinned. "It's alright Dizzy. I actually like the plain style anyways. And at least you realized your mistake." I said and patted her head. She looked up at me and smiled.


I was sitting on my hammock while sharpening my dagger. "You sure we won't be taking all that stuff?" I asked while pointing at the pile of bag of stuff in the corner. "The more I think about it, the more I realized that if all go as planned, we won't need so much stuff." Becky explained while slipping in her bed.

"I guess." I said while putting away my things and snuggling in my hammock. "Hopefully it goes well." I heard her mutter. "Don't worry. With me there, everything will turn out fine." I said with a grin. I heard her chuckled. "Ok whatever. Night." She said while turning off the lamp. "Night." I said.

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