"I don't need your help and I don't want it," Elena glares at her doppelgänger.

"And that's incredibly stupid of you," Katherine shakes her head. "Do you know where Klaus is? When he's coming, what he looks like?"

"If you know something, say it or get out," Damon gets impatient.

"Fine. Then I'll just go to the Grill and have some lunch, maybe Aunt Jenna's free for a bite."


As the couple left for school, Cora watches as her brother attempts to burn the Original's body, but from the looks of it, it's not working. Katherine joins the two siblings and Cora closes her eyes, annoyed of her presence already.

"Mmm, burning flesh," Katherine speaks up. "If you're trying to get the dagger back, you're wasting your time. He's indestructible."

"No kidding," Damon sighs. "How do you know so much about Original vampires?"

"Spent 500 years running from one."

"How sad, cry me a river if you will," Cora leans against the wall, smirking at the doppelgänger's annoyed look.

"So when we told you our plan to kill Elijah, why didn't you warn us that I'd die if I used the dagger on him?" Damon asks another question.

"Oh, there's so many rules. It's all very confusing," Katherine replies nonchalantly.

"Did you know he would die?" Cora crosses her arms.

"Did Elijah tell you two his plan? Did he have a dagger to kill Klaus with?" Katherine dodged the question by asking one herself.

Cora pinches the bridge of her nose and prays to herself not to go off on the virus. "Why are you still here?"

"Because you guys haven't forcibly removed me."

The two Salvatore siblings give each other a look. Damon points the flamethrower threateningly at her and Cora smirks, crossing her arms. Katherine's face drops and steps back a little, earning a larger smirk from Cora who found it amusing.

"You wouldn't."

"Oh, I would," Damon replies.

"Damon, be smart," Katherine tries to stop him. "I want Klaus dead just as much as you do. More. If I wasn't being honest about helping, I'd be long gone by now, okay? You can hate me. But we want the same thing. And you know—I always get what I want."

Damon finally lowers the flamethrower and Katherine turns to leave. She stops in the doorway and looks back at him.

"I wanted out of the tomb. Didn't matter who paid the price. Of course I knew that you'd die."

Once the doppelgänger left, Cora scoffed at her final answer to Damon's question. The two siblings give up on trying to get the dagger so they make their way into the living room. Damon takes Johnathan Gilbert's journals and begins to organize them while Cora reads her previous book. Feeling the presence of the one person she hates, she rolls her eyes.

"What you up to?" Katherine asks Damon.

"None of your business," Damon tries to ignore the obnoxious girl.

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