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joeybirlem; hi yes can u come pick me up

leilaniblue; Taco Bell?

joeybirlem; yes you know me so well

leilaniblue; where ru at rn

joeybirlem; skatepark

leilaniblue; okay be there soon xx

joeybirlem took a screenshot of the chat

leilaniblue; i didn't mean xx in that way :/

joeybirlem; oh but you did ;)

leilaniblue; there is the full of himself Joseph

joeybirlem; watch it leilani

leilaniblue; ayy don't kill my vibe see u in a min dude

after what feels like driving for hours, I finally get to the skatepark, I'm so hungry, i feel like the hungry hungry hippos, not even lying.

leilaniblue; c'mon idiot im hungry

joeybirlem; i take that offensive

leilaniblue; u should but fr though hurry I haven't ate since this morning

joeybirlem; im coming geez im at the ball court give me a second

leilaniblue; hurry

leilaniblue; hurry

leilaniblue; joey

leilaniblue; hoey

leilaniblue; j

leilaniblue; okay I see u, u made it in time :)

" damn talk about blowing up a fucking phone" he says looking at me with wide eyes.

"I'm starving kid and you walk like a grandpa" i roll my eyes at him

"what's your birthday?" He questions.

"may 7th why?" I ask.

"dammit mines is may 29th" He says bragging.

"haha KID and never call me babe again before I kick you into china" I say putting my fingers in quotations.

"kinky " He smirks.

"oh yeah the kinkiest" I laugh.

" ive never cringed so hard in my life" He chuckles.


alrighty i changed the last part in chapter nine because I didn't like it and I'm sorry I took off for like a couple days well for a while because I posted the last chapter on the 11th my life is full of drama and it never settles down no matter how many people I drop, the things I do, it just don't.

sober thoughts | joey birlemWhere stories live. Discover now