"Yeah, to a certain extent!" She spat at me and gulped as she breathed out a shaky breath.

I stayed quiet and she clenched her jaw trying her hardest not to cry, "Why?" She smiled and a tear fell causing my heart to break.

"I can't." She cleared her throat and grabbed her bag trying to make her way past me.

"No, nope."

"Y/N! Stop!" She suddenly yelled when I blocked her way and I lifted my arms like a child.

"No! I'm here right now! I need to know before I fucking drive myself insane! It's not fair that you tell Amber and not me! If it's about me you need to fucking tell me!" I yelled at her feeling myself burn with anger.

The tension was so thick, even when I walked in...it's always been thick. It was killing me because I knew, she knew what I was talking about.

"This has gone on too long, Amber is super depressed cause of this secret you're keeping!" I huffed and she clenched her jaw looking my way.

"Why the fuck are you pushing me away?!" I yelled as my muscles tensed up and the look in her watery eyes turned.

"Me?!" She spat and I winced.

Her hand came up and she slapped me I closed my eyes as she slapped me again. She huffed pushing me against the door and she hit my chest as her tears started to overfill. She sobbed and I clenched my jaw as she hit my chest and I quickly wrapped my arms around her.

"Fuck you! Fuck you, I can't fucking believe you." She sobbed into my chest as I brought her into me.

She cried loudly and I took the pain as she clutched onto me and let it out.

"You fucking act like you don't know? You know! You've always known!" She sobbed loudly and I tightened my arms around her.

"You just kicked it under the rug and denied it like you denied my feelings for you. Like you deny everything you don't wanna face!" She hit my side again but I didn't pay no mind since it didn't hurt.

Her body was so weak that she couldn't even hit me with the force she wanted to. I rested my head on top of hers and listened to her angry rant.

"You know I love you." She cried and my arms tightened wanting her to know I was here.

"But I hate you for making me love you." She choked on her sob and I closed my eyes feeling myself start to tear up.

"I'm sorry." I apologized and her arms wrapped around me weakly.

"I'm sorry, Erica-"

"Fuck you." She mumbled and I closed my eyes tightly.

"What do you want me to do? Er." I shakily said and she kept sniffling causing me to look down at her.

"I want you to leave-"

"No." I firmly cut her off, "I am not leaving until everything is off your chest."

"It doesn't even matter-"

"Erica!" I called out looking down at her and I held her cheeks.

"You mean the fucking world to me and if you're hurting I wanna know. I wanna help, please." I desperately tried to get through to her and she shook her head.

"Fuck Liliana right now, fuck Camila." I sighed and she looked up at me before she pushed me away.

"No, that's the type of shit I'm talking about. It fucks with me because you care for me like you used to. I-I can't do this- I don't want to!" She exasperated with a desperate cry and sat on the couch while I stayed standing with a fast beating heart.

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