{White Roses} chapter 11

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Yeah, in this pack I guess they live by this motto. The worst part is that every thing I wear is always fancy casual and I always seem to be wearing heels.

"I get that, but we are not even doing anything today you said that yourself." She had put me in a navy blue, flowy, short skirt and a cream sweater with...black heels. That is not a 'I'm going to do nothing today' outfit.

For my hair Carrie (the hairstylist) put loose curls in my hair and the makeup people did a natural look on me. Again I have nothing to do today. Why are they making me look presentable?

"Don't ask me ok? This is just how it's been done for generations in this pack. The public always have to see the Alpha and his Luna as perfection. Always looking good is a way of showing no fear. Since they look perfect together it puts reassurance in the people that they know what there doing," Yuri explained.

I nodded my head. That seems a little much having to be perfect all the time. Nobody's perfect, especially me. I'm far from being perfect. I'm broken. Another good reason why I shouldn't be Luna.

"So what does a 'doing nothing day' consist of?"

"I don't know...anything that you want."

I thought for a moment. "Show me around the place," I said.

"Really? You get a day off to do whatever you want and you want me to show you around the house," she asked.

I nodded my head. "I need to know my way around this place by myself. I don't want to ask people where everything is and have them know my business," I said, muttering the last part.

I felt like a child when I had to ask Yuri things and the maids where to get something, which in result would end up them doing it for me.

"Ok," she smiled.


Yuri wasn't a bad tour guide. She would take me to the room and explain them showing me little quirks to them. They had a backyard which I didn't know about. Not just a backyard but whole field in the back of the house. The house had around 13 bedrooms which I don't know why they had so much bedrooms since only Alpha Jonah, and Yuri lived in the mansion. And I guess sort of kind of me?

"So am I a pretty good tour guide so far," Yuri asked me as we walked down the golden halls to our next destination.

"Perfect," I said.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw a maid walk down the hall holding a bunch of white roses in her hands. I stared at her as she was walking by us not fazed as I was.

He always would bring me roses.

White roses.

This had to be some sort of a coincidence. He couldn't have found me. He was gone. He couldn't hurt me anymore. No, I am just overthinking this. Just overthinking....

My hands started to shake and my breath quickened. I felt like I was suffocating. I needed to get out of here.

"Riley are you ok," Yuri asked me resting a hand on my arm.

"Yuri..I-I think I'm going to go for a run."

She gave me a concerned look. "You didn't answer my question. Are you ok?"

I looked at her and I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

"I'm sorry I just really need a run," I said to her with pleading eyes.

"Riley talk to me, please." I looked at her hesitant. Yuri was a great person, but I can't tell her about this.

"I- I need to go," I said turning around and running away. I could hear her calling after me, but I ignored her and ran for the doors out of the house.

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