52| Flinch

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52| Flinch

Charlie turned out to be more useful than expected.

"The cameras out front don't actually work, their only there to make sure the building looks in use and to scare away squatters." Charlie scribbled on the pice of paper he ripped out of a blank book. "But, there are guys out front, the back and the side, checking what goes in and out."

"Like what?" Gabe asked.

"When we get shipments, they check them their. We do our business at home. We can't afford witnesses."

I studied the roughly drawn map of the building. There were four floors, plus a basement- which was our current location. The basement was the store room for money, drugs, guns - the whole lot. The first and second floors was a front for storage compartments - when really they held stolen goods. The top floor was where they grew all the marijuana.

"And what about you?" I looked up at Charlie. "Won't you get in trouble for helping us?"

"No. But since I did help you, you guys owe me." He smirked.

"What do you mean?" Gabe asked.

"Creeds is looking for you guys. When you escape, you have an opportunity to take as much as you want." He nodded to the money behind him. "All I'm saying, is that you take what you want, plus one mil for me."

"What?" Gabe chuckled. "You want us to rob from your boss?"

"No. I want you to pay me. You still have my car, just leave the money in the trunk, and park the car near Vixen's  Tongue, the club, and leave the key under it."

"You think you're funny." Gabe folded his arms. "We drop the car off, and Creeds will be waiting for us. You keep your money, he won't even know."

"Yes, that's true, but I like you guys, I wouldn't do that."

"But you'd steal from your employer?"

"You've met him right?" Charlie grinned, then his smile turned over like a new leaf. "I''ve been wanting to kill that f'cker for as long as I can remember. I finally get closer to him and he moves country. Then his son f'cks up and he comes running back. Now obviously, I, can't do anything to him, but there are perks to working under him. A couple hundred goes missing a week and they know none the wiser - f'cking idiots." He chuckled.

"So do you know what happened with that girl?"

"I don't know exactly, but that rich kid got out of pen* because of his parents."

"So then why is Creeds keeping him around?"

"Bribe money I think. Creeds has some dirt on them or business. Some sh't like that." He paused thinking. "Oh. On your way out - can you just knock me out and leave me on the floor - you know - to stage the robbery."

"Sure." Gabe said smiling.

Charlie ignored him. "And a kiss from you?" He said puckering his lips.

"In your dreams, Charlie."

"At least on the cheek." He raised both eyebrows, grinning cheekily.

"I'll see," I said chuckling.

Charlie went ahead and started packing his money into a bag. He returned back shortly.

"If you don't make it - which I'm sure you will." He darted his eyes back and forth at both our unamused expression. He cleared his throat nervously, using his hand to wave off his earlier comment." Anyways, two doors down, there's cleaning room with a window. Drop the bag out the window."

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