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Ashlynn Keith

Its like 6:30 and I have been up for an hour and I'm actually excited to go to school. When we arrive I look for Jay, I found Noah and hung out with him until Jay arrived. "So where's you sister?"

"Hanging with her girlfriend, coming this way now." He points over at Jocelyn who has her arm around the shoulders of a brunette. "Sup Ash. This is Emma, Emma this is Ashlynn."

"So your brother finally found someone who could deal with him?" Noah threw his arm around me. "Sure did." I push him off and on to the ground again. "Stay off before Jay puts his fist through your face."

"Ow. I seriously think you broke my ass." We started laughing. "Noah that's not possible." Emma turned back to me. "So you finally got Jay to settle down." Then Jay walked in with a bruise on his face.

"Jay what happened?"

"Nothing now leave me alone."


"Get out of here." With tears starting in my eyes I pull his hoodie off and throw it at him and hobble away as fast as I can. Behind me I can here Noah. "What the hell man? Maybe Declan was right." Just then I ran into Declan. "Ash what happened?" I didn't answer, he looked back in the direction I just came from. "That asshole. What did I tell you would happen." His fist clenched and he stormed towards Jason. I didn't look back and went on to my classes, it was weird not have my jacket on, around lunch time I sat alone because again Declan had to make up something. I was alone until I tray was sat on my table. "You know you shouldn't be sitting alone. The name's Gabriel." I stared at him for a second then finally answered. "Ashlynn. But I prefer to be alone."

"Well why is that."

"Because my best friend left me for a guy and my brother was right." He didn't ask anymore questions just sat there quietly with me I didn't look up until there a loud noise came from the other side of the of the lunchroom. Jason was storming out of the lunchroom by the time I looked up though so I didn't know what happened. When the bell rang I rush to my study hall. I entered and Noah was where he normally was but Jason was nowhere to be found so I sat down with Noah. "What is with Jason?"

"Not sure but I can tell you one thing and that is to stay away from that Gabriel guy. He's bad news." Just then Gabriel walked in and Noah did the same thing Jay did. "Now get out of here, before I make you." I was confused so I walked over to the corner of the library and sat down my phone buzzed in my pocket and it was a text from Noah

ManWhore #2: sorry but you can let Gabriel know you hang with us. Jay doesn't want you getting hurt I think that's why he's acting the way he is

Ash: oh so you guys think that pushing me off to the side not hurting me

ManWhore #2: Ash please I can tell you later. So for now just don't talk to us and only text me if you need something again I'm sorry

Ash: whatever asshole

I turned my music on and popped in my headphones and sat there with my head resting on my knee(music at the top). I texted Declan if we could go home and said we could so I walked out of the library only to be pulled in to a bathroom, a hand placed over my mouth and another over his lips telling me to be quite. I licked his and hand and when he pulled his hand away I started going off. "What the Jay!?" I was stopped by his lips on mine, I pushed him away. "I'm sorry but what the hell!?"

"Calm down. I'm sorry OK but Gabriel is bad news and I don't want him hurting you."

"You and Noah are the only ones hurting me. But at least he said he was going to explain what the fuck was going on." He let out a sigh. "That asshole. Are you going home?" I nodded my head. "OK I'll meet you there and explain."

"Declan will probably kill you but that's your choice."

He let me go and I walked out to find Declan leaning on his car. "What took so long?" Sorry I was being kidnapped. I just told him some lie like I had to pee and the ride home was silent. I didn't say anything when we got home either I sat down on the couch and waited for Jay to come. "Hey D do you think you can go get me some ice cream?"

"Yeah sure." He walked out the door and not to long after that Jason walked in. "So why can't I be seen with you. Are you that embarrassed by me. Or do you just not like me the way I though you did and this whole being nice to me was an act just so you could get in my pants?"

"Ashlynn no. I do like you and that's why I can't be seen with you. The last time Gabriel showed up I was shot." He pulled his pants down and I covered my eyes. "Lynn I'm just showing you the scar." I glance over and there was a huge scar on his left thigh. "I'm sorry I yelled and overreacted. Now can you put pants back on before Declan comes home." Then I jumped at the sound of his voice. "Declan is home. Now tell me what the fuck is going on." I looked up at Jason. "I'm not helping you out this."

"Look calm down I was explaining why i did what I did. I was just showing her what Gabriel did last time he was here."

"Gabriel is here and I wasn't told about this?"

"Sorry you were kinda gonna kill me. I pushed her away to protect her."

"Dude you didn't tell what the hell happens if he saw me leave with her. She gets hurt and it's you fucking fault." What are they talking about. I decided to jump into this conversation. "Hold it what the hell are we talking about and is this what you meant by what he stands for?"

"Yes. He works with bad people and I was a part of it then he got shot last year and I was done because I couldn't risk some thing happening to you."

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin