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Ashlynn Keith

Jay carried me into the house and we sat down on the couch then he walked in. "Umm... I should probably start at the being."

"Hold I still don't know who the hell you are."

"Right. Anyway mom had just got off the phone with Liz and she rushed me into the car didn't explain what happened ore anything. We were on our way to the hospital and that's when the truck came out of nowhere, dad couldn't do anything to avoid it. I was in and out, I remember someone being there it wasn't a paramedic. I then woke up in a completely different hospital, Gabe was there and he told me that he talked his dad into saving me, the doctor said I wouldn't have survived if I waited for the paramedics. Ever since then I have been training beside Gabe and I owed him."

"What about us you jackass!?" Even Declan was starting to cry, but he fought the tears back. "I found out that I was presumed dead and by the time I found you guys again you were happy and I didn't want to hurt you so I left it alone. the other night I was spying on Jason and you two were happy so I begged Gabriel to leave you out of this, he said he would but I guess I can't trust him." I now had my face buried in Jay chest, and i could tell Declan was about to lose his shit. "Then why come back now? Look what you are doing our sister. The same sister that I have worked my ass off for to provide for."

'Declan I'm sorry I didn't know that you were on your own."

"You're sorry!? Get out! GET THE HELL OUT!" I heard a sigh and the closing of the door. I looked up at Jay who wrapped his arms around me and was looking down at me, emotions filled his eyes and he planted a kiss on my forehead. I jumped when I heard the sound of something breaking, I looked over at Declan who just put his fist thought the wall, I started shaking, never have I seen Declan so upset. Jay could tell I was scared, he pulled me closer. "Declan calm down your scarring Ashlynn." Declan looked over at me then stormed out the door.

I Fell, and It Almost Got Me KilledDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora